It’s been a busy and long weekend. Marley is fighting acid reflux, I went to urgent care Thursday night for a really bad case of food poisoning, came down with mastitis on Saturday (I read online that that’s nature’s way of telling you to Slow Down), T had a temperature last night and was up for a good chunk of it. Tired as I was I didn’t mind her ‘cuddle now?’ requests one bit. We cuddled and rocked, and while the flu is no good I get a little mushy for that sweet and extra huggable demeanor that accompany sick littles. We also had family in town which meant busy house but plenty of extra hands while I slept most of Saturday. This sort of infection just knocks you out cold complete with chills, aches and monster headaches. We’re on the up and up (yay antibiotics!) but not 100%. Keep our family in your prayers.
Valentine’s Day S’more Snack Packs
This year I wanted to craft a Valentine’s Day treat that was easy. In the past I’ve done variations of this diy snack pack with different handmade elements (a photo backdrop, a handmade cereal ‘candy necklace’ treat, a craft paper version,a Liv art version) but I scaled way back this year and designed these with notecards and treat bags. So simple. Mostly notecards because they’re already scored and folded over. Treat bags because they’re such a nice size (but sandwich baggies would work well, too).
Honey Maid Go Bites challenged me with coming up with a unique project or recipe that included their new Go Bites snack. These are little graham snacks with a teeny bite of chocolate inside. My girls were addicted. I thought that creating a s’more-based Valentine’s Day pack was the perfect way to compliment the ‘sweet’ side of this treat.
Master Bath & Bedroom: The Home Side of the Demo
I thought I would follow up Monday’s post by answering a few questions regarding the demo and renovation work that’s going on around here. I shared photos of large holes in the exterior of our home and ripped up rooms with lathe, 2x4s and plaster everywhere.
(By the way, thank you for all of your thoughts on yesterday’s post on setting play time goals, the comments and conversation were wonderful and thought provoking – I have many thoughts on this topic and I look forward to sharing on this challenge next week when the seven days have run their course.)
Let’s talk new bedroom and bathroom for a moment!
You have a newborn and demo work is so dirty!
Oh man is it ever. There’s no denying that demo work makes for a ton of dust and even more debris clean up (I always forget about the amount of DUST). It’s so messy in those two rooms. The way we’ve worked this out is by putting up a temporary wall that has sealed the master bedroom and bathroom off from the rest of the house.
The only access to the construction site is through the large hole in the back of the house, meaning the girls don’t see, walk through or experience the demo happening just on the other side of that plastic sheeting. It also makes for a significantly cleaner rest of the house for me :). Other than dusty boot marks in the kitchen, this demo project has had the least impact on the rest of the house so far (as far as dust-coating goes).
Here’s the temporary wall:
Bathroom #1, master bedroom, two closets an half bath #3 were all a part of the demolition.
This is what we’re aiming for:
Did you move out of the house?
Nope, we moved ourselves into our guest room/my office. I’m sharing this crazy picture with you only as motivation for myself to get this room organized so that we can actually find shoes or sweaters or pjs. It’s madness in there I tell you, madness.
While this big project is going on it’s been my goal to go through as much bathroom/bedroom stuff as possible to really evaluate what we need and what can be given away or thrown away. Also organization. Because despite my best efforts to move clothing, shoes, face wash, etc with a lot of thought into our guest room, come Saturday afternoon we were literally stacking boxes and random items into the space without realizing what was what just to get it done before dark.
I’m creating a calendar similar to my editorial calendar with manageable small projects for each day of February – I think that that will be one of the few ways I tackle this beast!
PS jump back to the start of this project here and see the inspiration board for the final bathroom here.