Lonny recently published it’s 5th online issue – and the June/July release is a great cover to cover read. Because of it’s soft-copy presence, the editors can bring 239 colorful pages to life and enough ahhing & oogling to fill at least one afternoon.
I’ve actually had to break my Lonny time into two or three coffee cup increments over the past week because there’s, well, too much! But here are a few of my favorite spreads:
I miss print. I miss my Domino and while I look forward to House Beautiful and Elle Decor each month it would be wonderful for Lonny to one day create an issue that I can dog ear, too. Until then, check out the entire online issue here.
PS Wouldn’t it be great if we could subscribe internationally {at a reasonable price} to a few of our favorites? I’m a huge fan of faraway publications such as RealLiving in Australia and NZ House & Garden from New Zealand.