Any big plans for Mother’s Day? We’ll have the entire family from both sides in town for Olivia’s baptism on Saturday, so Mother’s Day will likely be a low key brunch at our house.
But if I could plan a Mother’s Day fit for a queen (my mother-in-love and dear momma), this might be perfect:
I’d make cute little labels for the pancakes, mimosas and grapefruit halves:
(feel free to right click and download for a future brunch, wine & cheese party or the like – just add a toothpick, straw or string depending on your food or drink item)
And Kevin might make delicious little silver dollar pancakes.
What a dreamy Mother’s Day this would turn out to be!
(PS it’s my first Mother’s Day – if you count the time the bambino is out of the belly – and I’m so excited to celebrate!)
Images from: 1. Style Me Pretty, 2. Handmade printables, 3. Ashley Meaders