The curtains are up! Remember back here when I was debating six favorite fabrics for the new curtains?
I had the hardest time deciding… but thank you all for the comments and emails that you sent my direction! You helped to confirm my final choice which was the Orla Kiely print!
You might also remember that if I chose the Orla Kiely print I’d have to make the curtains out of a duvet cover. Well it was a close close project, but my king duvet cover (90×108″) made for a near perfect fit. I was hoping to use grommets to hang these guys but when I received the fabric in the mail I realized that the pattern ran in the 90″ direction rather than the 108″ – eek! So instead I clipped up my curtains which gave me a few extra inches of fabric to play with to create a wide hem.
These photos are a bit washed out… it was hard to capture the print against the bright windows and I may end up lining them to help show off the design that I love so much!
I’m sticking with just the jute rug for now, though I might swap out for the brown cowhide rug if I can find other ways to bring in bright colors (you might remember that it was my favorite but made the space feel a tad too dark).
I’ve also swapped out two dining room chairs for a bench/ottoman from the living room.
It makes the space feel much more open – though I’m also keeping an eye out for a bench that might be a little higher and a little narrower. This guy isn’t too realistic to sit on for a full meal.
I love most how the turquoisy blue in the buffet is accented so well in the curtains. They really compliment each other and look great in person.
The pattern is just the modern, geometric update that the space needs!
And overall the room is really moving in the right direction… here’s a reminder of the space before we moved in!
So happy I took the leap of faith with these new curtains and ordered an unusual fabric choice (a duvet cover!) off of eBay, they turned out to be much cheaper than buying the fabric by the yard and I’m so happy with the look! What do you think?
Read the full dining room story by starting here: choosing a rug, curtain call part 2, curtain call part 1, newly styled bookshelves, a buffet-over, upgrading the lighting, the before.