I’m letting the cat out of the bag a little early on this one… because I can’t stand the anticipation any longer.
We officially won’t break ground on our new guest bathroom until March, but that hasn’t stopped me from numerous trips to Lowe’s and plenty of mock-ups to design a brand new, sweet little modern bath for our visitors (and Olivia, it will officially be Liv’s bathroom as we plan to have it accessible via the hallway as well as her bedroom).
Sure, we still have the old-kitchen-turned-office to finish, the nursery-that’s-75%-done and the brand-spankin’-NEW-kitchen (oh poor new kitchen with its teeny tiny details that just won’t wrap up) – but why not dive into this amazing project that will leave us one bathtub closer to a clean and modern space for visitors to enjoy?
And we don’t currently have a bathtub as our current bathroom’s tub is broken (aka so old it has stopped working all together). And it’s been over a year. And I’m a bathtub person. And I’d so desperately like to sooth my tired body in one that I’m willing to halt all other projects if necessary (though it’s not and they won’t) to add one to our home.
Can you believe Olivia’s four weeks already!! Just for fun, here we are getting coffee with a friend.
I could stare at that yawn for hours.

Darling pics of Mom & Baby! Can it really be four weeks already?? Isn’t it funny how the time flies by, AFTER the baby is born? ha, ha
Good luck with the bathroom – it’s sure to be as gorgeous as all of your other projects!
Good luck with he new project, looking forward to the updates.
You are seriously a wonder woman. Just when I think you can’ t do any more, you do more! Love the energy!
I know, we’re bound to burn ourselves out but we’re careful to balance the 9-5 job, school schedule, new baby and extra projects appropriately. Though sometimes it doesn’t always feel that way! :)
Ok, cute pics of you and Liv!!
Wow, busy there at your place, but hey why not. :)
I am just so stinking impressed by all that you handle. I can’t imagine having a newborn and tackling all those household projects at the same time! The Husband and I made a pact to have the house finished before having children, and we busted our butts to make it happen!
Can’t wait to see how your renovation turns out!!
Hi Orquidea,
We used Revit to mock-up the layout for this bathroom. Kevin’s studying architecture and has access to all of the fancy programs which makes creating these layouts pretty easy.
I don’t think we carry the hydromagic and hydrosplash brands in the States but I’ll definitely look into it – and yes, we plan on using beautiful glass tiles and what not in the bath just as we did in the kitchen :)!
Are you using VW for making the plans?
If you are looking for a bathtub, well, i don’t know if you have these brands in the states, but they are not so expensive: hydromagic and hydrosplash and they have things such as hidromassage, color therapy and aroma therapy. (I considered these for a project I was making) It looks pretty. are you planning to use any nice tiles, or things as nice as in the other rooms? dying to see it done.
I am currently in the middle of a bathroom renovation! It should be all completed next week… check the blog for more updates!
Good luck and let me know if you need any recommendations or suggestions!