I have a wonderful blog to share with you all today. This post is coming to you a day earlier than it usually might because I’m moving away from posting guest blog interviews only on Fridays to loosen up my editorial calendar just a little bit. An experiment of sorts :).
I’ve shared Roost Tribe with you all before and it remains to be one of my favorite sources for beautiful illustrations to share here on the blog or to incorporate into my graphic design work. Imagine my happy surprise (I shouldn’t have been surprised, really) to discover that Bonnie of Going Home to Roost has one of the most lovely, light-filled, handmade homes I’ve come across. Her blog is a delicious mix of design inspiration, handmade ideas (quilts, patterns, recipes), tutorials and green living. I’ve been a follower for just about a year now.
And she is just as lovely to communicate and collaborate with as she appears :). I am delighted that she has taken a few moments to share her thoughts on home and design today on the blog.
Keep reading for more on where she pulls her inspiration from, what’s one of her favorite parts of her job, three tips to keep your personal inspiration going and her latest diy home project (love).