Towards the beginning of this year I shared that I was starting to use the 1 Second Everyday app (in freestyle mode) on my phone to dwindle down minutes of saved videos (and future videos) into one large year-long documentary. And by large I’m guessing that the total 2016 video will end up being about 12 minutes in total (so good for so many reason). Here are the first four months:
This whole app experience has probably been one of the most light-filled memory capturing adventures I’ve had of late. I have this terrible fear that I will grow up and old and my children will be left with what is the equivalent of shoe boxes of photos (a shoe box of hard drives) without being able to make this or that of the contents. I know that’s not true… but the reality is that long gone are the days (for me) of paper scrapbooks or cute little edited kid videos from a big event – even a digital scrapbook is painful to put together when one stores photos in the cloud, on their phone, on their desktop, on several external hard drives and elsewhere (even when those photos are neatly labeled with correct month, year and event). If I could convince Photos (the Apple solution) to allow for .psd files I’m sure my sorting solution would be fixed but that’s another story… Also, fast digital albums are not practical if editing photos is something you like to do, the perfectionist in you will need to alter and adjust every last little one. Whew! That, friends, is my memory capturing hamster wheel.
Photo books, you’re next. But for today, I’m so, so happy with the idea of watching 4 months of my sweet girls’ lives in 3 minutes that I could cry. And I usually do when I play this movie roll back, especially on a sappy day.
More on how I use the app and why I chose the ‘freestyle’ option over here.

I so need to get in on this. That video…or should I say your kids…are just so adorable. I completely understand what you’re saying about digital files being the current equivalent of a shoebox of photos. I’ve always wanted to keep an annual scrapbook created through a site like Shutterfly to tell our family’s stories. But a short video like this looks like the perfect way to capture those small moments in between.
OK, the short video clip idea is starting to grow on me! As for photos, I’ve only just begun the process of printing albums using Artifact Uprising. It definitely is a struggle between perfection and progress but it’ll get done little by little! :)