Hope that you had a lovely Christmas and holiday weekend with your family. Ours was peaceful and sweet and full of lots of little happy shrieks. Christmas with kids is possibly the best thing ever.
Here are a few photos of our special day…
We facetimed our family from out of town, wore undies from stockings on our head as we unwrapped presents (Santa is sending subliminal messages to Taylor as we wrap up this potty training business!), and dressed in head-to-toe matching ballerina outfits with favorite dolls. That doll just above on the left is Molly from American Girls (does anyone else remember her?). She’s 25 years old and my favorite from when I was Liv’s age. My mom saved my entire mini trunk of doll clothing for Molly and I plan on passing down everything in time. Liv might be a hair young but I’m sure she’ll give her just as much love as I did. And T gets to start ballet lessons in January now that she’s 2 and a half! (as of yesterday!) So excited. Leg warmers for everyone.

GORGEOUS photos, Morgan! Happy new year!
Oh my, all the adorableness! Our girls got American Girl dolls, too (a “me” doll for T, and a baby doll for L). Love that Liv got your old Molly doll! I have no idea where my father put my old Felicity doll and all her clothes. Is it just me, or are the new dolls just not quite as special as the old ones? I loved that the original dolls all had such historical stories associated with them.