We have been very late in the game to get our Christmas cards out this year. It feels so great to get photos taken, design worked out, and cards ordered by Thanksgiving, but what a busy holiday this has been!
Back in November, Kev and I coaxed the girls into a kid-only photo when we were enjoying a family weekend in central California.
It was beautiful horse country and I wish I could have taken photos all day. Big hanging trees and lots of rolling hills edged by eucalyptus – plenty of space to roam and click away.
Before uploading to Minted, I upped the ‘brightness’ and ‘curves’ of our photo in Photoshop like crazy, I was feeling a very simple light and bright card this year.
Want to see the backside of the card before Kev asked for a family photo?
Because who’s family photos ever go smoothly? That’s real life behind-the-scenes right there.
I love the idea of our friends and family seeing the front of the card with smiles and then flipping over to the back!
I was overruled and the printed cards ended up getting an iPhone family pic from Kevin’s brother’s wedding. :)
New best thing ever – uploading a spreadsheet of our addresses into Minted to have them automatically printed. 90% of my envelopes required just about zero work this year and I don’t know if I’ll ever go back!
I love how simple this Tiny Blessings Holiday Photo layout in Minted is. I was aiming for quality cardstock (that’s nice and thick to the touch) plus a white border and basic black font.
Uploading images, text and addresses to Minted was easy peasy. Minted, you make my job as a busy mom so much easier. Muchas gracias.
Minted sponsored this post, thank you for letting me share about the companies that I love, support, and really dig collaborating with.

Awww, I love the first choice for the back of the card! We always send cards with collages showing highlights from the year. Wish I had checked Minted out earlier. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!