I think that guys might be the hardest to buy for in our family. Between dads and husbands and brothers, we all tend to stock up on much needed clothing (socks, flannels, belts) or activity-related gifts to give. Sometimes it’s fun to offer a surprise when they open that box though and so finding and hunting down unique items online can come in for the win. Here are a few things that caught my eye for guys…
Architectural puzzle art: topographical sets made from cement for creating landscapes and pieces of art (when not being arranged and rearranged again). I’d dig keeping this out on a table for the random shuffling about and I think the kids would like it too. Kev proposed this time of the year at the end of the Grand Canyon in Havasupai after hours of canyon backpacking. That could be a neat custom set to have made.
ManCan beer: a personal keg for on the go or to keep in the fridge :). A mini keg that really is a mini, tappable keg.
Midwest State of Mind tee: if I could find a t-shirt that about sums up Kevin, it would be his paternal roots in the Mid West (even though we’re West Coast born and bred).
A bloody mary gift basket: homemade or Etsy sourced (this one looks like da bomb, too). If you’re not into bloody mary’s there are so many cocktail gift kit ideas out there… the possibilities are endless (and thoughtful).
Mini beer pong set: this is just for fun. But I feel like it could be a winner.
Crafted Meats by by Haase, Klanten and Ehmann: a guide to slow food from the butcher’s perspective (and they note several young butcher’s who are changing the way things are). I think Kevin would devour this page by page with his love of thoughtful cooking, crafting, creating in the kitchen.
Money clip: to combat a crazy wallet that held everything, I gave one of these hand sewn leather money clips to Kevin and my brother last year and they both still use it to this day (which I think is kinda cool). The small Etsy shop that makes these seems awesome and I love that you can really only carry what you need.
JUMP cable: I use this as my everyday charging cable and ‘jump’ my iPhone battery when it loses power mid-day. It’s a pretty neat concept and would make a great gift.
Sonos Play:5: this was a big Christmas present for us last year and it has made such a fun change in the home. Dance music at dinner, a little country music during clean up, oldies while the kids put on ‘shows’. It connects to my phone for easy controlling and it FILLS a huge space. A splurge but a really well loved one.
Cards Against Humanity: an inappropriate game to make guests blush and laugh uncontrollably at the same time. Don’t mix in alcohol at your next adults-only dinner party… or it might get a little too fun.
Kimono watch: a unique, neat watch with a cool band for those guys that like a little variety (I’m working on getting Kevin’s 7-year-old watch fixed this Christmas, he’s of the tried and true type).
A USB adaptor that blends into your laptop: I need one of these!
Foam camping sleeping mat: our family loves to camp. It’s truly when our family is most ‘on’ out there in the wilderness with Kevin’s fine fire cooking skills and the kids love of exploring everything. But we ain’t young folk any more. A foam sleeping mattress would be a great encouragement to camp more this coming year. But to be honest, Kevin doesn’t need the foam, I like the foam. It’s a plus. :)
You probably learned a lot about Kevin with this post!
Also, if you’re still hanging, here are a few ideas for kids and for the ladies. Hope you are having a beautiful countdown to Christmas with your family!!

LOVE our Sonos system. We’ve created four zones over the last nine years, and have hardly had any problems. And when we have had issues, support was phenomenal. Great pick! (Cards Against Humanity is definitely a favorite, too…but we have to watch who we play it with!)