It is just a teensy bit embarrassing that I’m updating on our remodel after such a long lull has gone by. Summer has been a bit crazy and we had come to all but a halt on spending nights and weekends (plus dollars and subcontractors) working on the master bedroom/bathroom for a chunk of it. When you’re sorta overseeing your own project (we had an awesome contractor friend step in during the bulk of the work for the first few months but it’s back to pretty much just us), there’s a happy compromise on pushing to get something done and then also, well, breathing. Living out of our office has not been easy and there have definitely been arghhhh moments where I’ve been willing to accept almost any shortcut in exchange for progress (between work and sleep I spend at least 2/3 of my living hours in one very crowded room), but then sanity finds its way in and patience is restored. Or #somebodygotmommaacoffee.
It feels as though despite it all, we have been making serious progress.
Here’s the dirty run down:
I wish I had thought out these panoramic photos better – I’m using the photomerge tool in Photoshop and getting the best angle I can by squeezing myself up against the back bedroom wall, but they’ve still turned out pretty inconsistent.
Ah well, it totally paints a picture.
We are a little further along this week than these last photos (you may have caught a sneak peek on Instagram) but I’ll catch you up.
Last I left you we were in the process of having the floors sanded and refinished. We went ahead and had the girls’ nursery worked on as well since those floors had previously been carpeted (previous owners) and badly needed some love. Due to a terrible communication mixup, we ended up clearing out the girls’ room about two weeks before the floor guys arrived (they kept delaying us, I kept thinking that it would be any day and avoided setting up any furniture temporarily) and so the room was empty and the girls in the office for a good chunk :). It was cooozy.
As soon as the floors were finished, we covered them up with Ram Board to keep them free of paint and scratches.
I’m really disapproving of the iPhone pics that I snapped for this post way back when. Also, we were storing a bike in here if that gives any validation to how little work was being done for a long stretch…
The next project included our fan installation. Our electrician came in and out throughout the entire project, a really helpful scheduling perk that allowed us to make decisions one at a time.
This is our new fan (found over here at LampsPlus) and it’s so pretty in person. it took me quite awhile to hunt down a ceiling fan modern-yet-Spanish-esq enough to keep this space pretty. Modern, almost black (though really an oil rubbed bronze) it looks great in the space and provides that much needed circulation that you can’t get away from during our warmer summer nights (we tried not installing one in the girls room and it’s soooo hot all day during the summer). LampsPlus is partnering with us on this remodel by providing this fan for us to try out. So far so good – it’s working hard at the moment keeping anyone working on the space cool.
Another cool find, though one we covered up:
Previous owners had papered the room first in what looks like a modern Rifle print and second in a geometric or stripe pattern. Everything comes around again! We have since added molding to the edges of the room as well as around the window and new doors so sadly this little peek into the past has disappeared.
I’ll share much more detail on the closet in an upcoming post, but here is the beauty in all of her raw form. Goosebumps.
My closet was the size of a 3×2′ shoebox and so the prospect of all of the s p a c e is just magical!
Can’t wait to catch you up to the latest version of this room, as soon as I edit those photos I’ll be posting.
Happy midweek!
ps full breakdown from start to current over here.

So much progress! Can’t imagine how cozy life must have been with everyone sharing one room for two weeks! Y’all are troopers! Finding all those layers of wallpaper is pretty interesting too. Who knows what another 40 years or so will bring to your walls?