Three things…
Summer family time: If I could bottle up summer and relive it in short bits all throughout the year, it would be these summer family moments that I would love most. Whether it’s a concert in the park, a library story time, an afternoon walking the bay waterfront or enjoying a bbq with friends – we make time for all of the good stuff during the summer.
The beach: For a family that lives in San Diego, it is a rare day that we make an afternoon of the beach. It’s a special treat! Whenever I’m there I remind myself how easy and free and available it is to us, and that we need to make it happen much more.
Sink baths: I am woefully bemoaning donating our foam bath sink insert (similar to this one) that we have used for all three girls over the past 4.5 years. Marley has officially out grown baths in the sink and for me it’s been one of those great growth markers that makes me suddenly realize how big she’s getting (and how fast!). I love filling the sink with warm water and sudsy bubbles for a little baby splashing right in the basin of the bathroom sink. On the plus side, all three will rub a dub dub in the bathtub together soon. That could be fun.
Happy middle-of-the week :).

You make me feel so guilty for not taking better advantage of the summertime! In all honesty, it’s the high temps and humidity that have kept me indoors more. Oh how I miss the moderate weather of Spring. Anyway…it’s so easy to miss out on things like the beach when it’s close by. The landlocked would probably be appalled, but it’s just not always that easy…especially with three little ones. Marley’s getting really big now, and I bet she’s going to LOVE baths with her big sisters!
Sometimes I wonder how months can go by and how we don’t step a foot on the beach! Or so many of our other awesome San Diego destinations (Sea World passes? Have had those for years and struggle to find time to make it happen). Funny how that works!