Sometimes I capture something so funny/adorable/sweet that I can’t help but make note of it. Because Taylor is now expressing herself in full sentences, I get to include her in this little roundup as well! Favorite Liv & Taylor-isms recently:
While playing near Marley, Liv notices that Taylor has retrieved her binkie from the crib (a treat reserved for sleeping only right now). Liv makes a sound of exasperation.
Liv: “No binkie, Taylor. Taylor, do you want to be a mommy or daddy someday and hold a baby standing up? Well then you can’t use a binkie.”
Liv puts in a minor remodel request while Kevin and I discuss the new bathroom.
Liv: “I want a button in our room that makes everything sparkle.”
Hands on hips and horrified, Liv stands over her little sister and the art table.
Liv: “Taylor, what are you writing on? Are you writing on paper or your doll?”
While crying and screaming because she’s so upset that daddy has to leave:
Taylor: “I miss my favorite toy!!!”
Mom: “What’s your favorite toy?”
Taylor: “Dadda!!! I neeeeeeeed dadda!!!”
Mom: “Do you want to help me make brownies?”
Taylor: “Okay.” (long pause) “I neeeeeeeeed chocolate!!!”

Very nice !!! :)
Those are too funny! My girls would definitely love a sparkle button in their room too. Though I think it’s pretty funny that Taylor refers to Kevin as her favorite toy.