M’s first few weeks of life were so busy (and overwhelming) that I managed only a few true newborn photos (which I shared here, she was about 3 weeks old). I’m an okay photographer but I rely on photoshop and photoshop actions to give my images that extra boost. They are often not as crisp or bright as I like (there’s an art that takes so much practice!). It works out well enough for this blog and for capturing family moments, but my handful of photos for Marley didn’t feel special enough for remembering her beautiful welcome into the world.
I kept debating on whether I should invest in an actual photographer, and finally around 6 weeks I pulled the trigger. Since Marley was no longer a teeny tiny newborn (no sleeping or basket photos), our photographer Katie shot a few lifestyle photos instead and I decided to include the whole family (btw, if you plan on teeny tiny newborn photos, Katie suggests to plan on doing those within the first 5-6 days of birth).
Although Marlowe is still teeny tiny, her wide awake 6-week-old eyes and alert little body reveal something special and unique, too.
I have about 20 favorites :), so I would bog down the load time on the front page of this site to share them all right here, but I do invite you to click through for the whole shebang!
I don’t usually get to be in a lot of photos so I think it’s pretty neat that she and I have such special ones together. Actually, I’m totally over the moon about that.
I am so thrilled with the three sisters shots, too! Feeling very lucky and happy right now :). Thanks, Katie Beverley!
PS Liv’s newborn photos, Taylor’s newborn photos

These are so sweet. I’m glad you pulled the trigger to have some photos taken. Beautiful family!
Oh my goodness they are all gorgeous!!!! You have such a beautiful family and you are so photogenic!
I LOVE.THEM.ALL!! What precious photos. I especially adore that last one of you and Marley and then the one where Kev is kissing her forehead. Beautiful. :)
Such sweet photos! Love that you’re in so many of them too. The picture of Taylor kissing Marlowe is just the sweetest. T was sitting next to me while reading this and was completely swooning over the pictures too.
Aww, so sweet and lovely! I think you’re gonna start a new trend.
To be honest, I skipped newborn photos both because I was just TOO overwhelmed with things not going as planned (unexpected c-section, non-latcher so I exclusively pumped, etc.) to have a photographer around and because…well…I think they’re a tad bit boring. (No offense to anyone who likes them!!!) I did photos about a month later, and I loved that my lil guy’s eyes were open and he was more alert and had more personality.
Yes! That’s awesome. I loved this age as well and am so glad it worked out this way.
Those photos are so sweet! I love her facial expressions.
These pictures are beautiful and your Marlow is so precious. Love seeing the girls together and you look amazing! All of your photographs…priceless!