It’s been a busy and long weekend. Marley is fighting acid reflux, I went to urgent care Thursday night for a really bad case of food poisoning, came down with mastitis on Saturday (I read online that that’s nature’s way of telling you to Slow Down), T had a temperature last night and was up for a good chunk of it. Tired as I was I didn’t mind her ‘cuddle now?’ requests one bit. We cuddled and rocked, and while the flu is no good I get a little mushy for that sweet and extra huggable demeanor that accompany sick littles. We also had family in town which meant busy house but plenty of extra hands while I slept most of Saturday. This sort of infection just knocks you out cold complete with chills, aches and monster headaches. We’re on the up and up (yay antibiotics!) but not 100%. Keep our family in your prayers.

My first thought when I saw your picture: “She is a brave and beautiful woman for that close-up!”
My first thought when reading your struggles: “She is a brave and beautiful woman and mother.”
Prayers for you :)
Jennifer, thank you SO much :)
Oh no…so sorry to hear about all the sickness! It’s definitely going around these days (knocked out by my own virus last week). And mastitis is just awful. I’ve only had it once, and hope to never get it again. Hopefully you will all feel well soon!
Unsolicited advice only because I wish I had gotten it!!!: two of my kids have had reflux, the most recent (now 5 months) with the worse of the cases. The first was controlled with Prevacid (I hate medicating lil bits!), and the second didn’t have relief until nexium 2x/day was prescribed. THEN, when she was 3 months old, I read how lip and/or tongue ties can cause reflux due to abnormal latch. Sure enough…a week later and laser-corrected lip and tongue ties, no more meds required (and much quieter nursing taboot). Our ped had not even considered this, so thought mentioning it might not hurt. Grrr, reflux is the worst!! Talk about no sleep!!! If M has the same, insist on finding a laser correction–no anesthesia required. Prayers that you ALL feel better soon!
Wonderful advice, thank you for sharing Sara. We have checked for tongue tie and all is well there. She actually latches quite well! I was trying to avoid infant medicine but after watching M react in pain for a couple of weeks (and FINALLY having identified the problem myself as potentially acid reflux), I took the doctor up on writing a script and am a believer. It’s helped a lot :).
Feel better soon!
So hoping you get better really soon – That image is precious of you both…so sweet!!
Hope you feel better! Mastitis creeps up on you. I’ve had it twice and both times I thought it was the flu (it’s so hard to think when you’re sleep deprived). Take care and hope you get some good rest : ]
Thanks, Jennifer! Oh it’s the worst. I thought it was the flu but had no temp – thankfully it dawned on me (due to a friend having mastitis a while back) what it might be. Almost worst is that it’s so hard to explain to people why you feel so miserable, have uncontrollable chills/aches and can’t get out of bed (nothing like explaining to your husband’s great grandpa who traveled out from Iowa to meet the baby that you have a breast infection ;) and can’t. move.). Feeling so much better today!