Two weeks! We made it! Yesterday marked our two week anniversary of Marley’s birth. These two weeks have been some of the most hectic days of my life but we’re working through them one by one. Not necessarily a bad hectic. Just a wow-my-head-is-spinning hectic.
First, I can’t even say that I’m going completely solo at this whole parenting three thing yet. I’ve had so much help from so many people that we love (family coming to visit, nana coming by the house frequently, my ‘mother’s helper’ stopping by for a couple of hours for the older girls, nearly all of our meals made for us…) that I can count on one hand the days that I’ve actually been out numbered by littles.
I think part of the crazy factor is just the change in rhythm around here. Having my work hours carved out of the middle of the day has always been a helpful break between the busy-ness of parenting. Work has its own challenges, but it usually doesn’t involve reasoning with a toddler, cleaning up spilled milk for the fifth time, wiping walls free of honey-covered finger prints or negotiating tantrums. (usually). I think that once we develop our rhythm over these next six remaining weeks of maternity leave we’ll be in much better shape (these guest mom posts on motherhood have been really helpful).
I think that I expected this transition to work as seamlessly as Taylor’s addition to our family. Going from one to two wasn’t so challenging (two arms, two kids?). Going from two to three feels very different mostly because I expected to just keep on keepin’ on (Marley would fit in, Marley would go with the flow baby-wearing style) when in reality I have in my arms a newborn. And we are doing the newborn phase right now. And they are a different but lovely breed.
Six things that I have forgotten about newborns:
1. Your schedule goes out the window. Establishing a routine to our lives is part of what makes our family days work pretty seamlessly. Adding a newborn means that life is jumbled (errands, sleep/wake time, get-stuff-done time, playtime…) and that feels cra-zy. Working on subtly sneaking Baby Wise and Baby Whispering into the mix. :)
2. How much stuff they require. I’m pretty laid back when it comes to diaper bag packing. I’ve actually sort of abandoned the diaper bag for a spare diaper and wipes in the car with Taylor, and now we are back to almost fully loaded. Because there’s nothing like realizing that you forgot an extra pair of socks after the middle steps in mud at the park or an extra cap for the little after the third grandma at the store comments that her little ears must be cold. I don’t like extra baggage but I really ought to make myself an out-the-door checklist!
3. How awesome and intimate baby wearing is, but how much it hurts your back! Strong trapezius, here I come. Marley doesn’t love the swing (bah!) and has terrible acid reflux, so in general lying down does not make her happy. Upright on my chest though? All day long.
4. What a lifesaver a Wubbanub and a miracle blanket are.
5. How much time it takes to do anything. Everyone’s finally ready to go, but let me fit in a quick nursing session and was that an exploded diaper? Dang it.
6. How sweet they smell (sans exploded diaper), how Marley loves to cuddle in my neck (her favorite spot!) and how cute their little toes are. Oh man, smitten bliss.
Enjoy your beautiful weekend! Life’s always just a wee bit easier with an extra parent in tow (yay for weekends!) even though this Saturday Kevin is demoing our master bedroom and bath. I’m so excited that I’ll happily be a solo mom with three while we all watch from behind the plastic wall.
PS my favorite baby products (including this round up for the first three months).

Congrats for making it through the first couple weeks! Those pictures are adorable – so glad you got the chance to get a few one-on-one shots. It’s crazy how much stuff kids need just to get out of the house. I was just starting to get used to needing only snacks and water bottles (and maybe some entertainment if we were going to be out for a while), but then L started potty training and now it’s back to carrying extra clothing. Just remember to enjoy the sweet moments, and that diaper explosions slow down after a while!
Oh my gosh, this story just made me cry (of joy, of course). I just had my second baby girl on Dec. 7 and can so relate! I can’t imagine how much harder a third would be because I’m just finally starting to adjust with two! My 8 weeks of maternity leave are up and I sadly return to work Monday. I’m going to miss all the extra time I’ve had with my babies (my first is only 16 months). I was just thinking how fast these newborn moments pass…such a difference a year makes. it truly is a special time.
Congratulations on your 2nd beautiful baby girl! I feel as though maternity leave is flying by so fast as well. I cant believe im already two weeks in :-). Enjoy this last weekend of freetime!