I have about a hundred draft posts in WordPress right now that are full of thoughts on things like motherhood, balance, productivity, home inspiration (specifically that master bath that we have to make a move on), handmade gifts (ceramics, candle holders, necklaces galore) and pumpkin bread budding. Also working on a big blog redesign over here that I hope to launch this weekend :-). It feels good to be busy, though busy is the younger sibling of crazy and I’m headed that direction. Three cheers for coffee breaks. Have a wonderful weekend!!
If you have some extra time…
5 common mistakes to avoid when making a pie.
Decision making can sometimes lead to dire situations.
Laughing out loud at this article – I put a fur on it in our dining room!
Beautiful smoke alarms? Why haven’t we thought of this yet?
“I love to coddle my daughters and help them with their pink dresses. But I also strive to encourage leadership traits in them to prepare them to thrive in a world where the ceilings have more and more skylights.” 6 tips for raising daughters to be leaders.
A collage of photos of toddlers tasting lemons for the first time.
I was asked to share a write up for my neighborhood here in Kensington on the new app fypio. Have you guys heard of it? It’s pretty neat if you’re looking for a new approach to shopping for a new home.
I love the rock + gold sharpie place cards featured on this Thanksgiving table.
Eying this fall cape in natural or washed black.
This is the new style of heel that I’m seeing everywhere and I really love it.
Picked up this gold & black tasseled clutch on sale at Anthro this week for holiday parties and wedding season (isn’t it always wedding season?). Love me a good sale.
Just discovered that you can now purchase silk fiddle leaf fig branches – genius for those of us who can’t keep the dern things alive (though my one in the living room is still going strong!). I’m all for faux if nobody knows ;-).
10 leaders and the surprising ways they stay productive
Creating sustainable business in Africa through this beautiful fashion.
Cree LED Bulb (a new blog partner) is sponsoring the “Great American Bulb Swap” in Manhattan – South Street Seaport Pier (Nov 14, 15 & 16), Boston – Readers Park in Downtown Crossing (Nov 21, 22 & 23) and DC – Eastern Market (Dec 5, 6 & 7). If you’re in one of these cities, stop by to swap out your mercury CFLs and incandescent bulbs for energy-saving LEDs. I can attest that the light color (always my concern) is awesome with Cree. Plus they last up to 22 years.
Throwback to these roasted sweet potato fries (make them this weekend, you won’t regret it!)
November sales on now: 40-60% off J.Crew Factory, extra 25% off at Madewell with code FALLBACK, 30% off Gap with code HAPPY.
PS Posting a few more times this weekend… stay tuned.