It’s not every day that these two get along so easily. I should rephrase that – it’s not that they don’t get along, in fact, as of yet, there is very little fighting or frustration between either of them. But Taylor is just coming into her own and that has presented a brand new form of sister play that is unique and so fun to witness.
When previously both girls would play independently, now they are discovering how fun it is to have a little companion to run around with. In T’s case that means to chase incessantly. In Liv’s case, it means someone to teach school to or play momma with.
I feel so blessed to have these little humans in my life! And especially grateful that they have the opportunity to grow up loving and supporting each other with one of the strongest bonds known to man: sisterhood.
PS Since we’re on the subject of these two little munchkins, I have to tell you the sweetest story about Liv on Halloween. She has a big heart and an empathetic spirit, but this act of kindness put me over the top: when we had finished trick-or-treating and had finally run out of candy for our own trick-or-treat visitors for the night, I closed our front door and switched off our porch light. Liv looked out the window at the passersby and was devastated, she immediately began to tear up for the little boys and girls who would have to walk by our home treat-less. Without a word, she poured her entire candy bucket into our porch basket, asked that I flip back on the light and handed out the rest of her Halloween candy piece by piece. I melted.

NO way! Liv is the sweetest!! You’ll be telling that story to her kiddos someday :).
Ah it melted my heart, I can’t wait to tell her that story again and again :-). Need to make a mental note to put that story in her little journal asap!
Hey lovely! Yes the reply came to my email :) XOX
Oh yay! Fantastic :-), thanks for confirming!! xo
OMG, that story of Liv with her candy is the absolute sweetest. Kids can really surprise us sometimes, can’t they? It’s really awesome when the kids start to play together and get along well. We’re just getting into more of the arguments, but mostly, our girls get along really well and it’s really the BEST. Glad to know that Liv and T are hitting their stride together. It will be fun to see how they embrace the new little one!
That Halloween story is so sweet!! It makes me feel bad that I keep all the best candy and only give out the ones I like less, hahaha. At least I do make sure to buy enough to satisfy the trick or treaters and me ;)
Oh man I do the same :), I scour the bowl for reece’s peanut butter cups and milky ways, and then put the rest out for trick-or-treaters. Can’t help it!
Hey girl – I still read all your posts even if I don’t comment! This post is so sweet. Especially the little story about Liv getting teary over the candy and giving her own away!!! Oh my goodness, that just melted my heart.
Just stopping by to say hi and let you know I’m still around, love reading all your posts :)
It’s so good to hear from you! Thanks for popping over to the comments to say hi. Let me know if you receive this reply via email – trying out a plugin for the site ;). Take care!!