So we have some news to share…
We’re welcoming baby #3 in January! This is a bit of a surprise for us (as I’m sure it is for you, too) but we are over the moon thrilled and can’t wait to meet this little girl/guy. We’ve decided to make #3 (as we did with Liv) a ‘surprise’ so we won’t know if we’re welcoming a third girl – yay for girls! – or a little boy – the unknown for us but awesome – until he or she makes their presence. We both are very laissez-faire either way.
There’s the little mini-me in all of his/her glory.
I am feeling puffy and pregnant in that, is-this-real-or-did-I-just-eat-a-big-sandwich sort of way.
If you caught on to my symptoms a month or so ago you might have guessed and I’ve been dying to spill the beans (feeling icky for eight weeks straight is really not fun, but I’m grateful it was pretty temporary compared to many women). I’m officially at the start of my second trimester now and am busting out of even my ‘stretchy’ pre-pregnancy pants. I swear I just packed that maternity box up but down it will come again from the garage very soon (maybe today!).
We’ve always known that we wanted a brood of at least three or four so this makes that wait (and anticipation) that much shorter. Bring on the adventure! And the bunk beds!
PS a huge thank you to the very talented Katie Beverley (located out of San Diego and shooting in the Southern California area) who snapped these pictures for me. We’re working together on a new bio shot for the blog and we threw these fun belly shots on at the end. Guys, she’s amazing! If you’re looking for a wedding/engagement/family/baby photographer I could not recommend her more. (Her blog is under construction but her email link works on her website.)
PPS family and friends, we’ve been soooo slooooow to tell everyone in person (poor third child). If we’ve missed you, forgive us. We love you xoxo.

Ps — love the matching nails and sweater!
Haha, not planned but worked out well! Good eye ;).
I haven’t been around in awhile, I just went through that whole site redesign craziness… so I’m catching up now!
Congratulations!!! There are some super cute bunk beds out there, how exciting!
Morgan, I am SO excited for you!! Congratulations! So fun taking these pics of you, you gorgeous girl, you!!
Katie, you are so awesome, so sweet and so talented!
What a terrific surprise Morgan, Congratulations!!! So exciting to have another addition to your adorable family!
I am so happy for you & wish you all the best…you look absolutely darling in these photos! xo
Thank you so much, Janelle!!!
Congratulations on the exciting baby news! I look forward to hearing how the transformation of your family from 4 to 5 goes. I’m sure you will do it beautifully!
Thanks so much, Jessica! Feels daunting… but we’ll manage our way through it and we’re super excited about the news!!
So happy the news has gone public!!! Couldn’t be happier for you guys!!! XOXOX
Thanks, Diana! So difficult to keep secret…
I’m so happy for you and your family.
Thank you so much, Sonia :).
Congratulations! Can’t wait to “meet” another beautiful sweetie. :)
Ah thanks Sheila! We’re so over the moon. It will be a journey/adventure for sure!
big congrats to all of you! :)
Thanks, Stephanie!!
Awwwww yay!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! You look a adorable!
Thanks so much, Hatton!!
Congratulations! So incredibly happy for you guys! Your tiny belly is so adorable…even though I’m sure that you just feel rough all around. Sometimes those little surprises are the best way of making decisions, right? Many, many congratulations all around!
oh my gosh congrats!!! so exciting! i saw this on my bloglovin feed and i clicked immediately! January is a good month – that’s when my little boy was born :)
Congrats! We want three or four as well but only have one so far, so please share how you balance everything and how it goes : ) . I’m sure you’ll be great at it!
Will definitely do! For us, it definitely has been a ‘take one step at a time’ journey and a big learning curve. But we’re enjoying it :).
So happy for you, Kevin and the girls! Many blessings to you!
Thank you, Kellie! xoxoxo
Thanks, Heidi!
congratulations!!! We did not find out the gender of our second baby either and we had a little girl last April that we named Olivia:) I ‘stumbled’ across your blog from a Pinterest project (the faux stacked wood fire place cover) and have been an avid reader since!
Hi Laura, so glad you found us! and what a perfect, beautiful name you chose :).
Congratulations! I look forward to see how your transform your house to welcome this new darling :) Are you planning on a gender-reveal party again?
Oh it’s tempting! I think we’re going to wait until the ‘big day’ though – something about that special surprise, especially for the 3rd, that I’m really looking forward to :).