I think that I was made to have girls.
I must admit that when we found out that Liv was a girl (on her birth day!) I was so over the moon. I had an incredible inkling that she was a she from about five months into my pregnancy on from a crazy dream (true story), but the fact that she really was when she arrived basically made all of my own dreams come true.
When we found out that Taylor was a girl (at this awesome party – a gift from Kev for Christmas last year as he badly wanted to also wait for her birth day, though I was dying to know), my second dream of having sisters close in age came to life. I thought that baby #2 was maybe a boy (which would have been totally wonderful, totally perfect). But when I opened that huge cardboard box and found pink balloons floating out I was about as shocked and thrilled as I ever will be.
I could have all girls. And sometimes I think that we will (we are hopeful for 3 or 4 children in our family). I know that I have huge amounts of drama to look forward to over the next 18 years and that likely life will not be all tea parties and roses. I am holding my breath for the first time that Liv mentions cliques or makeup or boys. But as true as it ever may be, God could have not given me a better gift than daughters.
I somehow feel equipped to raise girls (is that odd to say?). It’s not the girly ribbons and dress up shoes that draw me in (I’m actually not really in to either of those). It is instead a deep down feeling that I can do right by girls and the next generation of ladies finding their way in this world. I want to empower my girls with insight into the beautiful, complex feminine nature that they possess. I want them to realize that they will be wise and caring and pretty and smart and strong and ambitious and loving and worth it, all at the same time.
I want them to know that they are equals in this world. That they will succeed at whatever they choose to do.
I want them to realize that they have a team of people that believe in them and their life journey. If I am to be honest, I think that this is where the world fails with girls. (I once had a man whom I respected offer a sincere comment of something along the lines of ‘better luck next time’ as I walked by with my two girls… I realize that that’s not the norm but I was steaming. I should have replied ‘hoping for a 3rd’). Any bit that tears us down is not welcome.
My sweet girls – I can’t wait for this journey to continue!
Sons are awesome. The mother-son relationship is indescribable. If we have a little boy I will be equally over the moon. But until then, bring on the girls.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for letting me share more about life – and words from the heart – here on the blog in addition to the usual. These are slowly turning into some of my favorite posts (or at least ones I spend a lot of time thinking about!). xx
PS British website Bounty reports that having two girls is the key to happiness. While we might be in that camp for a little while, it’s looking like we’ll most likely end up on the bottom half of that list of ‘best to worst kid combinations’ ;).
More random mom ramblings right here.

I love this post, Morgan! I also believe that you are/will be a awesome mother to your daughters. You will surely do right by them. :) I will do my best over here to raise good, strong gentlemen to be worthy of them! ;)
Thank you so much Diana, I admire what a wonderful mom you are for your boys!
This is so sweet. Your girls are lucky to call you Mommy. Have a happy Mother’s Day!
I totally agree…having girls is amazing and wonderful! You have a great attitude about it, and I’m sure you will do a fantastic job empowering them in their femininity. On a side note, those researchers who say that having girls means less noise should come to my house…I can barely hear myself think sometimes!
I love this post so much! How lucky they are to have you as a mom :)
My girl, Chloe, who is now 2, is the sweetest human being on earth! She loves kisses and cuddles. And do you know how to calm her when everything fails? You just need to say that mummy is sad, or mousy (her plush toy) is sad, and we need Chloe’s kisses, then she would calm herself and come over to hug you and comfort you!
That is so sweet! I love, love how sweet and cuddly girls can be. Liv at 3 is starting to show her more obstinate side, but at the center she’s really just a big softy :).
What a lovely post! I have a little boy and am hoping for another one, and I felt like I could substitute “boy” and “son” every time you wrote “girl” and “daughter”! I think we’re all just trying to do well by our kids, whatever their gender.
I could not agree more! Well said.
I always thought i would have girls. I envisioned a house of girls, like in Little Women. So to my suprise, I am a mom of boys! Baby boy #3 will be here in August. And now I can’t imagine anything but boys.
But I think it’s so sweet that you are excited to raise strong, smart and happy girls. The world needs more amazing women! :)
Yes I hear that from friends of mine with boys, too! It seems we adapt perfectly :).
Your fourth paragraph is exactly how I would describe you to a third party. Mothering girls looks so good on you!
Liz, thank you so much. I cross my fingers that I’ll live up to that paragraph. xx
Lovely post! I adore having a daughter too. Enjoy :)
They are so wonderful!