This is the most delicious project for kids. Did you used to love candy necklaces back when? I thought they were so cool as a kid. We first made these diy ‘candy’ necklaces (out of cereal) for Liv’s 3rd birthday party, but the project didn’t really have a moderator and was overlooked by the busy bunch of three-year-olds. I didn’t mind, ‘let’s play chase!’ can sometimes be much more compelling :-).
At party’s end though, I did end up with a couple of large boxes of Fruit Loops and an itch to attempt this cute idea once more. When Leslie suggested Valentine’s Day on that same party post, I was already thinking of the same idea and took that comment as confirmation that these were the perfect little treats for Liv’s preschool friends!
‘I Cereal-ously Think You’re a Great Friend’. Hahahaha, get it? Oh to be a punny Valentine’s Day writer…
Feeling ahead of the game this year (and having three glorious hours to sit and do nothing but eat), I got a head start on these necklaces during the Super Bowl.
I’m surprised at the above picture. I never, ever have a manicure. Oh the little luxuries that disappear with kids…
My Super Bowl solution was a muffin tin to hold the necklaces, but the prettier version from Liv’s birthday included little colorful cups that we had pre sorted (Liv’s favorite getting-ready-for-the-party job).
Supplies included a box of Fruit Loops (Kellogs doesn’t really spell it ‘Froot Loops’, do they? We didn’t eat these sorts of sugary cereals growing up – though I did eat like half of the box while making these), elastic, cellophane treat bags (similar to these), printed labels and a stapler.
You can download a sheet of the printed labels that I created here, I printed them on photo paper for an especially crisp look.
Liv practiced her name on the back of each before we stapled the bags shut and used double sided sticky tape to attach the labels (you could also just stable the folded label over the top of the treat bag, too).
This project reminds me quite a bit of this and this one (still adore both!), I clearly have a thing for these little cellophane treat bags. Here’s a link to our one-eyed monster cards from last year and another for all of the Valentine’s themed projects shared on the blog.
Big thanks to my mum who suggested this project back in January and inspired these cute Valentines.

Didn’t it just come out in the news that all the Fruit Loops flavors all taste the same? We didn’t get sugary cereal growing up either, so I have no idea if they tasted differently. This is cereal-ously a great idea!! And maybe not as sugary as the actual candy necklaces?
Thanks, Sabrina! I’ve never thought of that but I bet they do taste the same. I’ll have to taste test :).
Liv is so cute with her necklace! And she did a great job signing her name. I’ve actually been meaning to email you because T came home from school with her own Fruit Loop necklace not long after you originally posted Liv’s birthday party!
That’s awesome! I haven’t seen one before but it’s a great idea to keep little preschoolers’ hands occupied (in creating and threading each little piece of cereal).
They’re so cute!! Wish I had those fruit looks in Spain!! I found them in a store, but they were soooo expensive!! I love the little treat bags as well!
A little less exciting, but what about cheerios? :)