Around here, we are: painting tractors at the local art museum, taking time out of our day for a cocktail at the Coronado Del, traveling to our hometowns (Santa Cruz for me, Phoenix for Kev), introducing baby led weaning!, witnessing spectacular sunsets, meeting so many new babies (three born to friends in the last two months! one of which I don’t have on camera…), joining family for two beautiful weddings (checkout the interior of that barn), being inspired by a nearby community garden to plant an awesome veggie bed, practicing a mini s’mores layer cake for Liv’s birthday (a big round cookie cutter is the secret), making more kahlua ;-), enjoying fall soups (that’s a cream of artichoke & potato there), prematurely tackling Valentine’s Day favors for Liv’s school class and cleaning up Christmas (we are slow to clean up just about anything).
So we might still have some Christmas boxes waiting to be put back into the garage… and it might be nearly the end of January. Ah well.
More everyday stuff posts found here.

Lots going on for you over there on the west coast! So many adorable pics of the kids…especially that second one with Taylor eating the apple, and Liv kissing her Daddy. So incredibly sweet. And as far as Christmas decorations go…we’re awful here. The cold weather and snowstorm meant that our outdoor decorations are still up…and the tree is sitting in pieces in the office just waiting to go up to the attic. Hope you have a great weekend!
Yay! I’m happy to hear I’m not alone :). Our tubs of decorations are sitting waiting to go into the garage. No snow we can blame that on… just the energy to do it. Sending good thoughts to the cold weather over there.
Do I see ND in some of these photos?? <3 <3 <3
Yes! We were out there for my cousin’s wedding – she and her hubby both graduates and they married in the basilica! It was beautiful!! ;-) That shot of Liv and Kristi (cousin) is in the men’s football locker room, we got a neat tour while on campus.
Are you guys doing Baby Lead Weaning again? I remember you doing it with Liv. :) My first baby loved eating big people food, but our second struggles with feeding issues, so we are still on purees at 13 months. BLW is so much easier. :)
We introduced BLW about a month ago and it’s been going so well! Taylor is really taking it and I’m so grateful for that – I agree, so much easier than purees. Good luck with your little one!