A weekly splurge that’s worth its weight in gold to me is flowers. There’s nothing that brightens the dining room or kitchen more than a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Walking into the house and seeing that little bouquet from the grocery store or farmer’s market always, always makes my day.
But it’s an expense pick-me-up. And some times those beautiful tulips or sunflowers from the supermarket die in two days (arghhhh that always makes me sad. On the other hand, sometimes they last ten!).
I stopped in at West Elm the other day during one of my kid-free moments and noticed that their beautiful buckets of paper flowers were now in the clearance section – and not just on clearance, but marked down to $.47 each. I think these guys were going for $2.99 a piece! And now an entire bouquet for about $5.
I bought maybe two bouquet’s worth. I can’t wait to use them for entertaining and parties outside, too.
The crepe flowers look so welcoming on our dining room table and I love that I can move them around the house (maybe a couple in a little bud vase for the bathroom? or in the guestroom when we have visitors?).
It would be fun to make crepe paper flowers of my own, but how pretty and detailed are these guys? And the supplies would likely be more expensive than the price that these are going for right now.
Bought some for our master bedroom too (here’s a teeny tiny sneak peek to the new gallery wall…).
Scoop them up before they’re gone! Now fresh flowers will be a sweet luxury, but not necessary to provide that bright pop of color around our house.

What a fun find! We had fresh flowers on our table every week for a couple months earlier this spring/summer…but now that they’re not growing locally anymore they’re getting expensive and not lasting very long. Must find a West Elm somewhere close by!
Summer is the perfect season for fresh blooms!