A very happy little box arrived on our doorstep a little while back… have you heard of Freshly Picked? Those absolutely adorable little leather moccasins that are covering the tootsies of babies across America?
Taylor’s little feet are still just a wee bit small for shoes…
But when she’s ready, Susan (the entrepreneur and owner behind the business) has graciously gifted us two pairs for her and Liv to enjoy.
Today she’s also extending a pair of moccasins (a $60 + shipping value) to a PDB reader as well – enter the giveaway in the Rafflecopter section below!
The metallic gold and the pink are two of my favorites.
Liv’s are still a little big as well, but it doesn’t stop her from wearing them around the house. They are soft and buttery and the ankle fringe is drool-worthy. When will they release the adult sizes I wonder?
Freshly Picked (and Susan Petersen’s hard work) is a wonderful example of a creative and wildly successful business grown from scratch, and I know that they would be more than thrilled if you’d consider voting for them for Martha Stewart’s American Made competition as well! Thanks all! PS top photo credit goes to Heather Mildenstein.
Good luck!

Congrats, Kelly F. – you lucky duck!!
We don’t currently own a pair of FP but I have heard they are great! What are you using to hold her books on the wall? I am currently looking for something like you did!
Hi Courtney! They are actually acrylic shelves, you can read more about them here: http://www.pepperdesignblog.com/2013/07/22/girls-room-acrylic-bookshelves-a-library-wall/
Oh my Gosh! Thank you SO much!!! Those are perfect! Exactly what I have been searching for!
Awesome!! Happy to help.
I love these and Freshly Picked!
Love the colors you chose for the girls. The metallic gold is too much!! XO
Aren’t they adorable?? Can’t wait until they’re big enough to fit!
I think Santa is going to choose the pink pair to put under our tree. Too cute!