What a beautiful weekend! We headed out for a hike on Saturday and on Sunday, while Kev was busy working and I was home alone with the two littles (the adjustment is still total chaos, moms I don’t know how you do it), I finally set aside some time to get my paint on. Color has been on my mind lately and adding some big splashes of bold summer brights to the walls in our master bedroom and office are high on my list of hopeful to-dos this month.
I figured that now is as great of a time as ever (and I’ve been waiting oh. so. long.), so I set Liv up with her easel and put baby Taylor in the swing…
And got my paint on. With Liv’s plastic paint brushes.
Also present: an emergency pacifier, my crazy box of acrylic and oils, a computer, charging cell phone, a kitchen timer (peach crisp in the oven), that morning’s coffee (mind you it was the afternoon)… what more could a girl need? I could have camped out here for hours if the kids had let me.
Some might call the final result a perhaps slightly fancier version of finger painting… but I like to think I was channeling my inner Michelle Armas and Jen Ramos and I’m super happy with the final look. I’m envisioning an awesome gallery wall in my near future.

How pretty! Intersperse some of Liv’s art, and you’ll have the best and most unique gallery wall in the neighborhood. Great job on finding some time for a relaxing pasttime with two little ones running around.
It has been beautiful hasn’t it? I recently picked up some acrylics and started some abstract painting…it’s fun, but heck I’m no artist lol But I find it really relaxing.