Man oh man this has been one of those weeks where as a 35-weeks-along-pregnant lady you just wish it were all over (pregnancy, that is). The belly feels huge, the disabling heartburn crawls up into your chest and takes over every evening, you’re constantly short on breath, dizzy spells are a regular, the sore lower back muscles feel no relief regardless of what you try. My feet become frozen with legs cramps that I didn’t know were possible but make you holler and jump on one leg – back and forth, back and forth.
Sometimes I can’t believe I have 5 – maybe 7! – more weeks to go. I hate to complain and I cannot wait to meet this baby girl, but there’s a reason that most women have short-term memory when it comes to pregnancy and delivery. I’m sure if we could recall every moment of the previous birth we would probably stop at one!
Allright, enough online griping, thank you for listening. I always know you’ll listen.
Here’s a little tip for you fellow baby/toddler mommas out there that I’ve heard about and have finally employed with our bin of bath toys that was getting a little mucky.
After running all bath toys through the dishwasher, I separated out the ‘squirters’ and used my nifty little glue gun to seal up those squirting holes. Ignore how dirty that glue gun is. It needs a trip through the dishwasher. (kidding)
Gone are the cavernous spaces that hold onto mold and mildew! Wish I would have done this from day one :).
Happy almost-weekend!

Congratulations on your impending arrival! Enjoy (and relax) these last few weeks as much as you can… although when I was expecting my second I had a huge burst of energy the last trimester and spent days wallpapering and decorating, cleaning, and organizing… I don’t think my house has been that organized since. :)
Yes, I know the feeling! But for me it’s more of making lists of house items that I want to ‘fix’ before baby arrives :). Seeing those to-do items is making more anxious than ever these days!
Oh my gosh this is so smart. I will be doing this ASAP (after I go out and buy a glue gun immediately- I can’t believe I don’t have one already!).
It’s one of those tools that you didn’t realize you needed until you have it around – then you use it all of the time!