I made a little treat bucket for Liv’s trick-or-treating this Wednesday after seeing this cute project from Tarjay’s Todd Oldham. The entire tote is made out of felt! Adorable. (Step-by-step directions found here.)
His is much more detailed, mine is the 15 minute version.
I love Todd’s project because it’s a clever way to bring the family in on creating their own felt totes/buckets for trick-or-treating, and this is an easy one to put your own creative spin on (how about a felt black cat? Or a witch’s hat? sequins? puff paint? whatever’s around the house).
Liv’s bucket was super simple. A bit of felt (from my stash in the office), embroidery thread and a pint-sized green bucket that we usually store her chalk in. I simply traced my idea onto the felt, cut it out and did a rough embroidery stitch around the opposite side (so that my pen marks weren’t visible). Then a bit of Elmer’s glue to hold it all together.
Liv has been verrrry into purses and bags lately, she carries two or three around the house (in the crook of her elbow which is just adorable) all of the time, so I know she’ll really love this whole ‘treating’ part of the holiday. I’m suddenly much more aware of why some parents hand out boxes of raisins and bags of carrot sticks. Oh please let Liv collect more raisins than she does candy on Wednesday! Not going to happen, I know. Happy Monday!

How cute! I love the happy little pumpkin for young kids.