I’ve been a bit behind on blogging lately… I miss my nightly blogging time and I cannot believe how crazy these last few days have been! What an overwhelming, exciting, mind-crunching last few days… If you haven’t guessed it yet we flew the nest and made our way over to Ireland, that too-good-to-be-true trip that we have been itching to take (and finally made happen!) for two years.
And we survived the first two flights. One overnight from San Diego to London, and one little hopper from London to Dublin. Liv was a terrific traveller and despite being armed with my little bag of tricks, she slept for almost the entire trip. I’m still amazed, I was secretly expecting to be playing games by iPad light underneath an airline blanket while the rest of the cabin slept on our redeye – attempting desparately not to keep them awake while Liv, excited about the change in scenery, was up). A redeye can fool you in such circumstances. Might be the easiest flight in the world, might be you + toddler + 300 sleeping passengers. But Liv girl, you were the best. Even though your sleeping positions on my lap mimicked a tumbling gymnast all night long…. right side up, upside down, stiff as a board, limp as a noodle, starfish position, huddled into a ball, starfish position upside down, huddled ball now spinning. And Daddy’s lap just wasn’t comfortable enough.)
But I digress…
Because we are here! We are a little disheveled… but oh man we are here!! and the craziness that was our lives over the past three days adding the final preparations for our trip, finishing up the last minute projects we had *promised* to complete before take off for the house, work and everything in between is in the past. That plus preparing for house guests that will hold the fort down! I don’t know how many bins of miscellaneous stuff we drug out to the garage. I went on a frenzy of ‘oh, they don’t need to know how unorganized we are here and here and here!’, so into the garage went supplies and clothes I will have to sort through later. A Goodwill drop off is in order…
Now I sleep! Plenty to share soon on our house updates and travels :).

Awesome! Have a blast!
Glad to know your flight went well (as well as possible with a spinning starfish). Have a great trip!