I have a massive stationary collection (I heart beautifully made cards) and was rifling through my stash the other day to write thank you notes for Liv’s first birthday when I came across a handful of cards that I had purchased for envelope purposes only. I am often short on envelopes and sometimes buy the super cheap cards just for extras!
These cards have a sweet pattern that remind me a little of a playful Valentine’s day note – and an idea was born.
After hunting around the house I was happy to find that I had nearly everything I needed on hand for my Valentine’s Day treat bags. Though I did pick up those two small bags of salt water taffy for $1 at Target.
Custom Valentine’s Day Treat Bags
Materials: cellophane treat bags (available at Michaels or on Amazon), note cards, candy, photos, scissors and stapler
To make the treat bags, I filled each plastic sack with salt water taffy and a photo of Liv trimmed to size (I keep a stack of pictures on hand from Costco to send to grandparents and great grandparents when they’re needing a Liv fix). My cellophane bags were just the right size to match up with my 4×6 note cards, but if you’re buying all of your materials from scratch that’s something to keep in mind (you can always trip down your note cards but you don’t want the bag to be wider than the cards).
The notecards have the perfect fold for the top of your treat bags, I simply chopped mine in half length-wise (so that the card was shorter near the fold) and sandwiched the treat bag between each side of the card. Two staples held my finished bag in place.
An alternative to note cards would be scrapbooking paper with a bone folder for a professional looking fold (this tool scores and creases your paper). Or for a cheaper option just fold that sucker in half and press between heavy books so that the fold stays put.
These would be great for family, but for a kid-friendly option I would fill the baggie with animal crackers and include a fun illustration instead of a photo, or perhaps a few crayons and a coloring sheet. Cookies and wrapped candies are probably the way to go since any candy prone to melting would smudge up the photo and transfer ink to the candy. Fun stamps or stickers might make for a neat note at the top of the treat bag, too.
I can see reusing this ideas for party favor bags somewhere down the line… PS I can’t believe it’s already the middle of February!
More Valentine’s Day ideas right here.

Great party ideas! and ecological!
Cute idea and I love that you used cards for the toppers. Love the picture too!! :)
Thanks, everyone! Hope you get the chance to try it out!
These are so stinkin’ cute, Morgan. Great idea for so many different occasions and Liv is adorable peeking through the bags!! ♥
PS ~ I know, how did it get to be mid-February already?!
Your treat bags are adorable! With the cutie in there, you don’t really need any candy. :)
Definitely keeping this idea! Those pictures of Liv are so adorable!
OMG now that is just adorable! And such a great idea, who doesn’t love a salt water taffy.