Happy Thursday! Day 4 here of the 2nd Blogiversary week and I have a wonderful giveaway lined up from three of my favorite home goods stores: Room & Board, The Company Store and Rifle Paper Co. I LOVE each of these stores and I’m excited to partner with these companies to share a few of my favorite products with a reader!
The line up is…
First up is a Pendleton blanket from Room & Board. I cannot think of a better winter accessory for your living room (or the foot of your bed) than this cozy, wool blanket.
The throw looks beautiful slung over a couch (as Country Living demonstrates below) or rolled up in a large basket next to the fireplace (just waiting for a cool winter’s night and some snuggling time).
Room & Board is a 30 year old, family-based design retailer headquartered in Minneapolis with 11 stores nationwide (3 on the West Coast). The brand consists of over 90% handcrafted, American-made product and their focus in on providing customers with quality crafted, simple, classic designs at an affordable price. The Pendleton blanket is sustainably made and manufactured in the Pacific Northwest! Read more about the labor of love (and the quality of this cozy accessory) here. I love that Room & Board partners with US-based artists and makes every effort to manufacture and produce locally.
Given the option, I would choose this one with its soft greys and subtle red stripe. This is winter in a blanket:
Next up is a $50 gift certificate to The Company Store! I fell in love with their jute rugs a while back and we have their jersey knit bedding in our master bedroom. I love this store and their wonderful prices.
Our jute rug looked great in our previous kitchen and our bedding is fantastic, I cannot recommend it enough! It is so, so soft and if you have a pet that likes to snuggle at the foot of your bed it doesn’t hold onto hair like a traditional jersey duvet cover might (is that awkward to post? This is a huge bonus for us though ;)).
This is so awesome: The Company Store has committed to donating $20,000 worth of pajamas to Pajama Project, a not-for-profit organization that provides new, warm pajamas and books to children in need throughout the U.S., once it reaches 20,000 website pledges! So sign-up to celebrate Family Pajama Night in your home with a fall slumber party on November 19! We’ll definitely be participating.
And last but certainly not least is one of my very favorite paper companies, Rifle Paper Co. The illustrations and designs are beautiful! Very much my style.
I have their 2012 botanical calendar and while most months will be hanging in the office, June and August are now framed and hanging in our kitchen :). And the cover of the calendar is hanging in this office wall collage. Today’s giveaway includes the same 2012 botanical calendar to do with what you please.
And that’s today’s line up! So excited for the giveaway.
Giveaway: A cozy Pendleton blanket from Room & Board, a $50 gift card towards your favorite Company Store product and a 2012 Botanical Calendar from Rifle Paper Co. (all in all totaling in at about a $200 value)
Blogiversary Question to Enter: Since it’s a week of celebration for PDB, I would love to know… how long have you been tuning in to the happenings over here at the blog? and a bonus question! when it comes to decorating, what’s your style? (you know, from the usual shabby chic, traditional, modern, vintage and so on :))
For Additional Entries: Become a Facebook fan of Rifle Paper Co (for great discount codes) and The Company Store (for all of the latest and greatest), and subscribe to Room & Board’s email list for updates and coupons! Be sure to leave a separate comment for each additional entry.
Giveaway ends Sunday, November 13 at midnight PST, winner will be chosen randomly and announced the following Monday. Good luck!
And don’t forget about the DIY Pack giveaway (with a paint sprayer, brushes and utility knives!) from Tuesday and the EmersonMade gift card giveaway from Monday!

Subscribed to room and board!
Liker of the Company store, but in my head i’ve always called it the Comfy store!
I’ve already got a rifle paper co calendar at home, but could certainly use another at the office! I’m an offical FB fan now!
I’ve been a fan for over a year now! Love your blog!! My style is tradional with a mix of rustic charm.
I’ve been reading your blog for about 6 months. Love it! I like to describe my style as a combo of vintage and traditional eclectic
I have been looking at your blog for a few days now. My style would be traditional with a modern twist
Additional Entry: I subscribed to Room&Board’s email list!
Additional Entry: I liked the Company Store on facebook!
Additional Entry: I liked Rifle Paper Co on facebook!
I’ve only been following your blog for about two weeks now! I would describe my decorating style as.. thrift store chic! :) haha! Almost everything I own is from one of three awesome used furniture stores in my town!
I am not quite sure how long it has been that I have been following along with your blogging journey. I want to say it was very shortly after you started posting. I do know that it was several months before you announced your pregnancy though. Anyway, I have really enjoyed reading and viewing what you have shared here. Thanks for sharing your DIY ideas and projects, inspirational words and images, and other fun tidbits throughout your two years of blogging. I hope you continue posting for many more years! :)
Liked the Company Store on FB, whose slogan just so happens to be “We’re all about comfort” So I guess the Company Store is my kinda style.