I have the perfect giveaway lined up for all of you DIYers out there. HomeRight, Purdy Paintbrushes and X-ACTO are teaming up with me to offer a CommandMax HVLP paint sprayer, 3 pack of amazing paint brushes and an awesome utility knife kit (including a super helpful mat) to one reader!
Imagine how easy painting furniture will be with a product that provides professional grade paint and stain finishes (no brush marks!). This low pressure sprayer that is perfect for projects around the house.
Professional paint brushes are a MUST when it comes to any type of painting or staining DIY project. Use well-made brushes, take good care of them and you will always be happy with your results! Purdy is offering a 3 pack (the perfect sampler) of their high-quality brushes as part of today’s DIY Giveaway.
Have you heard of their Save the Walls campaign? Head on over for to find tips, frequently asked questions and projects by HGTV’s very own Lisa LaPorta!
And when it comes to day-to-day handy tools I cannot recommend an X-ACTO knife enough. I’ve used it for little projects like separating a lampshade from it’s frame or taking apart an old picture and matte, but here’s a link with over 300 creative and quirky uses for the tool!
The prize pack includes a Retract-a-Blade knife, Designer Series Gripster craft knife and a self-healing mat.
Giveaway: A Command Max HPLV paint sprayer, 3 pack of Purdy brushes and an X-ACTO prize pack! So awesome! A second X-ACTO knife prize pack will be sent out to the runner up.
Blogiversary Question to Enter: Since it’s a week of celebration for PDB, I would love to know… what do you tune into Pepper for? There are so many tangents posted here: home renovating highs and lows, family adventures, entertaining & party inspiration, wardrobe stye boards, crafts & DIY projects that I attempt (or that catch my eye) and even the occasional recipe. It’s a hodge-podge to say the least.
For Additional Entries: Become a Facebook fan of HomeRight, Purdy, X-ACTO or Pepper Design Blog and leave a separate comment for each additional entry!
Giveaway ends Friday, November 11 at midnight PST, winner will be chosen randomly and announced the following Monday. Good luck!
And don’t forget about the EmersonMade gift card giveaway from yesterday!

I tune in for the DIY projects!
I come for inspiration! Your DIY projects and just general decorating are great!
I especially love the party inspiration and the before and afters.
fan of X-ACTO on FB :)
fan of HomeRight on FB :)
I’m already your facebook fan :)
I love all of your posts! My favorites especially are the home renovating projects, entertaining and crafts & DIY projects!
Love the DIY inspiration you provide!! More, more, more!
I LOVE the creative DIY projects and decorating ideas =)
Oh my goodness. What an amazing giveaway!!! AH! Well, I come to Pepper to be inspired by your decorating/DIY/reno ways. I love all things home and design (but the rest of your posts are great too). Congrats again on year 2!!
I started reading because of the house projects and the inspiration, and stayed because I like your voice and watching your family grow. Thanks for doing the giveaways!
And…I’m already a fan of Pepper Design Blog :)
I would love some paint supplies!! I check your blog all the time and I LOVE seeing the progress of your house (mostly in person, but the blog will have to do sometimes!) :)
I also love seeing Olivia grow and all of your fun family happenings!
I like the DIY remodeling posts best… I also have an older home that is a work in progress!
I like following your major home renovations. It’s so fun to see the transformations!
I like all of it – but I especially enjoy the home reno updates and the DIY/craft ideas. Great giveaway!
I’ve loved watching your home renovation take place! I also enjoy hearing what you experiment with as new parents. You put so much though into everything!
PDB is as down-to-earth and do-able as they come. I’ve been hooked since I found you – and since then, it seems we have had parallel lives – LOL! We just purchased our home and welcomed a precious granddaughter last year. So your home updates and baby info come at the most appropriate/helpful times. We’re working on our bedroom wall collage – and tada – you post a blog about wall collages. Thanks for all the inspiration (I just need to know how you manage your time?!) :D
I love everything, especially the before and afters.
Love your style and liked you on FB…
I love this giveaway!!!
I find your blog so inspiring! I love all the DIY projects and ideas I get from it.
I follow PDB on Facebook!
I started out following PDB for the party inspiration, but lately I have been hooked on your office/guest room.
I tune in for help with making my life really cool. Thanks for the inspiration.
I am all about the DIY on the blog. I especially love the women that make things happen.
As an artist, I like to visit your site for visual inspiration….as a mom on a budget, I like to see all the ways I can do things myself and save money!! :)
I like you on fb!
I love your home reno posts, gives me the illusion I might be able to do more…. and the grandma wannabe in me loves the baby pics! :) Thanks for an amazing giveaway, hope I win!
I felt a kindred spirit in the hodge-podge of things to explore & read.
I love the DIY projects. You guys are doing an awesome job renovating your house.
I enjoy seeing your “before and afters” and all of the diy ideas.
I love it all! The DIY features is what initially intrigued me, but I’ve been learning from every post.
I like the hodge podge of posts. My favorite are DIY projects and finds as well as your style posts.
I love the design ideas and DIY projects!
I liked x-acto on Facebook!
I liked HomeRight on FB!!
I liked Purdy on FB : )
I love Pepper for everything, but focus on design.
I like PDB on FB.
I like Xacto on FB.
I like Purdy on FB.
I like HomeRight on FB.
I tune in for the decor and renovations!
I tune in for two things… the home decor/renovations, and the style boards.
I love the DIY inspiration!!!!
I like X-ACTO on FB!
I like your blog on FB!
I love your blog for so many different reasons! Your house projects and decorating are awesome!! And now that I have started Baby Lead Weaning, you guys are my inspiration! :)
Honestly, I tune in for all of it. I like that your blog isn’t focused on one topic only. You have a lot of variety and so many inspiring photos and creations.