Hope your Easter weekend was full of time spent with family and friends! We had both staying with us for the holiday and it was a happy weekend.
Here’s a quick shot of us on Easter Sunday morning with my parents who drove down from Santa Cruz, California.
And how adorable are these cake pops? They’re well worth a shout out – our friend Stephanie whipped these up to share at an Easter brunch and they turned out terrific. I have tried to replicate Bakerella’s fabulous desserts but without much success. These chicks and eggs, however, take the cake.
Easter was also a deadline for the bathroom – oh how sweet to have a guest bath for the guests! But we’re just a bit behind so the guests will have to wait a couple more weeks.
But we have made one huge step in the right direction – a commitment to our tile! It can be time consuming imagining what the final look will be for several different tile motifs, let alone making a full commitment to move ahead with a final choice (feels so permanent…). The above tile was from our original inspiration board but we tossed around 5 or 6 before taking the plunge and ordering enough Elida Ceramic Recycled Glass Tile (in moonlight) to tile the entire shower nook.
More on that soon.
Some exciting news to share – the new living room mantel made it on Centsational Girl’s Best of the Blogosphere Round-Up! Check it out (and many more great projects) here. Centsational Girl is one of my daily reads, so inspiring.
But before I sign off for the day, take a look at this cute little conversation Liv and I had while she was desperately trying to distract me while I was getting some work done (she’s in her little Bumbo seat):
I’m pretty sure it went something like this:
Liv: “Hey Mom, watcha doin? Are you listening to me? Can we play and ogle and coo at each other for a while? Pretty pleeeeaase with cherries on top?”
Oh those sweet eyes. And with that the computer screen closed.

Congrats on the feature! Those pics of Liv are too adorable…I wouldn’t be able to get any work done either!
Congrats on your feature on Centsational Girl. I need to check out that mantle.
Thanks, Kellie, Kate & Carol! Hope you had lovely Easters!
ADORABLE!!! She is so cute!!
congratulations on the CG coverage. I saw that and was so excited for you. Love your sweetie pie!
Oh my word, your daughter is precious!!! I remember those days, missing them ! Amazing tile selection, can’t wait to see that up in your bathroom, and you’re welcome re: the mention, loved your mantel!!!