While the future guestroom/office still looks like this (as soon as Olivia arrived we halted construction for a bit):
We’ve made tentative plans to resume renovation for the last week of March! Oh how I’ve been counting down the days. I’m working full time again and my dining room table loathes me and my bazillion piles of work. It’s an organizational nightmare – especially when we need the dining room to feed family and friends.
Since Kevin is a full time architecture student, much of the physical construction work revolves around his school schedule. When he has a break between quarters projects are finished in the blink of an eye, and then I get a good several months to mull over decorating ideas until the next big undertaking begins.
But now that we’re in countdown mode to finishing the office/guest bedroom AND beginning our brand new guest bathroom, there’s much happy dancing going on over here! And shopping. Because suddenly we are very much in need of a desk, bookshelf storage and a bed.
First up, bookshelves.
I love the look of French Baker’s Rack-style bookshelves. The variation in materials (especially the natural wood and metal contrast) compliments so many design styles and although it can be dangerous, open shelving is my favorite (forces you to be organized!).
These sets from Restoration Hardware are out of my league, but here are several options that fit the price and look:
I found most of my favorites at Home Decorators and World Market, two stores that consistently deliver quality products (usually taking cue from the trendier designer stores) at an affordable price. In fact, each of them had their own variation of this design:
Copy cats. World Market coming in just $30 under.
I love the bare Parsons look (such as the white bookcase above or the grey below) or the X detail of the French-inspired bookshelves (flanking the sides of the shelves or back).
If you’re on the hunt as well, Ballard Designs had several fantastic bookcases, but they all broke my $300 a piece budget.
Most of the above bookshelves came in between $99-$250! Great, right? Add to that a Googled coupon code for free shipping or 10% off and two bookshelves for either side of the new desk might be affordable after all. And there’s always Craigslist – I’ve searched for the last two weeks without finding the perfect fit but it usually is a great tool.
After finishing my desk hunt, I’ll start pairing options up and hopefully have something ordered this week.

Love your idea for a desk, sounds beautiful.
I definitely agree! I have my eye out for a credenza/console table that will hold files and bins of not-so-pretty supplies. I have plenty :).
I love the look of open bookshelves or any other storage for that matter. I have found that because you need to style the open bookcases as opposed to actually use them that it’s always nice to have an additional closed bookcase. Can’t wait to see which you choose.
They are so pretty and would look lovely with all the colors of the books.
Really, any of your bookshelf choices would be fine. But its really going to depend on how you want to handle the desk.
If you go with a more rustic look I’m a big fan of the aged/distressed old door on top of a couple of distressed painted legal size two drawer file cabinets design. Then all you have to do is build a keyboard drawer underneath.
A piece of shatterproof glass on top to provide a level working surface will complete it.
im looking for bookshelves too for the living room! ha. Craiglist has not made me happy in that area. You’ve given me some inspiration though! thanks :)
Mmmm thank you for this post. I’ve been looking into bookshelves for my living room and some of these would be perfect!
Those are all some great solutions for bookcases!