It would not be far fetched to suggest that the projects we’ve taken on this year have grown in equal proportion to the belly.
Quick recap:
We started with a $100 minor bathroom upgrade during the first trimester. No major demo, just a quick touch-up with paint, fabric and fresh accessories.
The second trimester brought with it a major overhaul on the den which became our new kitchen. It’s nearly complete with just a few final finishing touches needed. The above picture is roughly midway through the renovation.
And then this past week…
That would be the week before little Baby S is due, we tore into the old kitchen to create a third bedroom and home office.
Here’s what the old kitchen looked like when we moved in:
We made minor live-in updates, like covering up that blue formica and staining the cabinets a dark espresso. Here’s a look at the space today from the same angle (from the sealed-off perspective and just inside):
Woohoo! Thrilled that we’re tackling this project before little one is here. Dust and debris would not be ideal in the air in just a couple of weeks and thankfully baby is obliging by staying put so far.
A little in-process action:
We knocked down the wall between the kitchen and the front bedroom as well, here’s a look at that front room when we moved in:
Boy did that family love wood paneling! We painted the space to create faux beadboard around the entire room and tore out the carpet, but today the little bedroom received a big overhaul:
We pushed this part of the renovation off until Kevin wrapped up school just last week, knowing full well that if babe came at all early we’d have to hold off for months to turn these two useless spaces (nobody really needs two kitchens…) into a new office and guest room.
Big plans brewing for the new space! And don’t worry – the nursery, master bedroom and kitchen are all receiving little updates (thank goodness for nesting overdrive right now) that I look forward to posting about soon.
Three days until Christmas!

I love the bright blue countertops in the kitchen. I say, if you’re going to go with laminate, it should be fun! It gives you so many options, so why not?
I stumbled across your blog once before, and had to stop by again and read this post, I must say bold move on your parts to have put such wheels in motion, but I am sure it has turned out great! Congratulations.
Omigosh that blue! I can’t believe you ripped everything out the week before the baby is born – but I guess I can relate considering we ripped out and redid our entire kitchen 1 month after my 2nd was born, so yeah I guess I can relate :)
Good luck with Baby S’s arrival! We did the same paint job over panelling in our old house, I actually really liked it once it was painted – I like the texture!
My hubby feels the same way about painting! He’d rather do anything but paint and it’s always the hardest job for me to tackle. Too funny :).
This is so awesome! I am REALLY jealous of your kitchen btw with the huge island as right now with all the Christmas baking with my toddler, I’ve realised I NEED a better planned kitchen with an island so that she isn’t always in my way. SIGH. One day…
I think my hubby is all renovated out (we knocked out a wall to open the dining into the backyard and then hubby built a gorgeous decking) and just wants to come home and relax! He also HATES painting, so it looks like it has to be me. Anyway, I will just have to live through your renos Morgan! :)
xo MODELmumma
I have the same floor tile in my house! Beautiful and super chic!
Isn’t it a neat tile? We love how modern and yet classic it looks. Thought it’s not so great at hiding large dog footprints, especially in this rainy weather!
I completely understand – I think our families think we’re totally crazy but sometimes you have to work with the timeline your given. It’s totally normal to us! Keep up the last-minute renovations.:)
Thanks! We’re really excited about the new space, especially since both bedrooms are officially claimed right now. :)
Wow! This is crazy! But how awesome to have a 3rd bedroom. And the week before Christmas too…I’m in awe of you guys.
Sometimes I think my family thinks we’re crazy with the projects we do and the speed in which we take them on. You guys seem to have the same gumption we do. Thanks for sharing and making us feel more normal! :) I’m sure your guestroom/office will turn out great!