Congratulations, Emily S. on winning a 12 month membership to Cocodot! Enjoy!
All giveaway winners are chosen using Thanks to everyone who entered!

A Little of This & That... Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
by Morgan
Congratulations, Emily S. on winning a 12 month membership to Cocodot! Enjoy!
All giveaway winners are chosen using Thanks to everyone who entered!
Posted on Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Welcome to my little slice of the web where I practice finding family, career, homemade & inspired balance on a daily basis. This is where I capture my happy moments, and I'm honored that you're here to join us. Home + creativity + good eats + journaling. Read More…
woow…nice job :)
Congrats to Emily!
Woo hoo! Thanks again!