When Tiffany asked me to take part in her “Simply Said” series by sharing a few suggestions for keeping celebrations simple yet classy and fun (think great decorations, cool themes and handmade details) I was delighted to share my tips & tricks. Tiffany in return put together a wonderful post on living room organization that I think you’ll all love, so without further ado, here she is:
Hi, I’m Tiffany from Simply Modern Mom and I am excited to be here on Pepper Design Blog. Love Morgan and her amazing ability to make things look gorgeous all the time. My site, Simply Modern Mom is a place where moms learn and share ways to simplify their lives. I share tons of tips, photo tutorials, craft projects and lists.
As a mother of two girls age 4 and 18 months, my house used to look like this. Who knew two little girls could make a mess this big every. single. day.? Don’t believe me? They are in the pictures. Proof. And the mess even traveled upstairs and into other rooms. It wasn’t unusual for me to find toys in my bed, in kitchen cupboards and hidden throughout the house. Every inch of carpet was covered with toys. Ridiculous.
To put an end to this insanity, I got clear plastic bins. Shoe box size in a pack of 10. I organized the toys in each bin according to type. It’s soothing for me to sort things. I’m one of those weird people.
The rule in our house is each child can only have one bin open at a time. If she wanted to play with toys in another bin, the first bin must be put away. If she is good, sometimes I would spoil her by allowing two bins opened at a time. Oh. You cannot what a difference this makes. My kids learned to appreciate their toys and enjoy playing with them more than before.
Not only that, we purchased a coffee table from Ikea that holds all the bins below. It is nice to have the toys hidden and the play room is more visually appealing.
And yes, the play room has undergone a little makeover since the pictures taken at the beginning of the post. The play room is at the front of our house and one of the first rooms people see when they enter our home. I wanted to make it more inviting than childish. It is still a work in progress. At least it’s not cluttered with toys.
Thanks, Tiffany! What a genius way to corral in all of those toys!

absoultely wonderful share, great article, very usefull for me my kids always make our house in mess now i can clean like your post said…thanks (*^__^*) ……
i will have a try…..i’m sure my children will like it~~
Thanks for sharing your idea. I have five kids of my own, and thinks can get kinda messy.
I love the coffee table. I am so going to try this bin idea with the toys. I too face toys in every room in the house. It is amazing how fast my 2 young boys can mess up a house.
I use the same bins and it works beautifully. I do like the coffee table idea. We don’t have room for that right now but it would be perfect if we end up moving. Thanks for the idea!
First of all, this is so beautifully simple! I love it. Please tell me, how do you keep them from opening more than one box? That’s my trouble. My 3 boys sometimes just like dumping out their hot wheels and blocks and trains at the same time (I guess to see what they have).