If you spend your spare moments reading wonderful diy/home renovation blogs then surely you’ve heard of today’s guest blogger. But even if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat!
I began following Mrs. Limestone (the creative genius behind a beautifully & serenely decorated – you guessed it – limestone in the heart of Brooklyn) a while back and was thrilled when she offered to share a bit of her experience and suggestions today.
Her before & afters are stunning and her daily posts – be it about travel, photography, projects or inspiration – are all a joy to read. The true heart of the blog lies in the hard work and creative sweat that goes into transforming a 100-year-old house into a beautiful home. Be sure to check out those before & after photos on the site!
Here’s a look at the master bedroom. A pretty talented lady, right?
Stefanie answers the four PDB interview questions (with a few peaks inside her home) just after the jump!
{PDB Interview with Mrs. Limestone}
What inspires your design style?
I love old mixed with new. I really love when something old is used in a practical modern way. Its what drove me to purchase my home, travel to see historic but still bustling cities and love living in New York. Seeing and experiencing old+new combined in its many forms is what inspires me. Although if I’m honest, I watch a lot of tv so I’m sure that has something to do with it too :).
What do you love most about what you do?
I’m don’t do interior design for a living – my day job could not be farther from it. Back when I selected my career, I didn’t think I had a creative bone in my body! While I don’t love the daily grind, I do love being able to pay my bills and enjoy my off hours – and that is no small thing. I suspect I’m like most people – I work for a living rather than living for work. To satisfy the other side of my brain I run a small graphic design business and Brooklyn Limestone for the joy of it.
What are your favorite design trends?
What are three design suggestions that you would like to offer our readers?
{1} It’s okay if its not perfect! I see a lot of advice about buying what you love and creating a home that is a perfect reflection of the inner you. Personally I don’t think that’s entirely possible. Sometimes practicality has to win over the idealized version of perfection. And sometimes the imperfections are the very things you learn to love. As for the things that you’ll never love, its okay to let it go and forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes.
{2} Learn the language. This is a touchy subject but the hard fact of renovating is that you are going to deal with some trades people at some point. I’m sure there are many wonderful contractors out there that will hold your hand and do exactly what you ask for a fair price – but I have yet to meet any of them. I’ve found that if I do my research beforehand and learn a little bit of the lingo and basics, I will be better able to ensure I get what I paid for while understanding what is reasonable. Especially as a woman, its important that they know you know what you are talking about if you want to be taken seriously. (And yes, this still applies even in this day and age!)
{3} Be a cheapskate. Good design doesn’t have to be expensive. Some of my favorite pieces came from the garbage (yes, I’m not too proud to pick things from the trash), were found for a few bucks at a thrift shop or from the bargain bin at a big box store. I’m a big believer in splurging on construction and quality materials but all the rest can be done on the cheap.
Thank you, Ms. Limestone!
Images in this interview are from Stefanie at Brooklyn Limestone.

What a brilliant home! I love her taste and will now have to continue to follow her.
Love her blog – she seems to be such a nice person as well!
Thanks so much for having me!
Great interview, I really enjoyed reading it, thanks!!
BEAUTIFUL home! I love the framed scissors. Simply brilliant!
Thank you for the interview.
Huge fan of Mrs. Limestone! She’s was one of the first blogs I ever read…thoroughly enjoyed this interview!
Learn the lingo! Fab tip! My favorite word “escutcheon”.
Wonderful and practical advice. Stefanie is one of a kind in her decorating abilities, and practicality. Thanks for sharing!