Before: your average ho-hum plain wooden door. After: a modern, spruced-up entryway with a subtle touch of glam.
Inspired by this amazing wardrobe makeover, Leah Moss of Apartment Therapy created her own diy trellis door with a bit of painters tape and a quart of paint.
She used 3/4 inch painters tape to create the overlapping trellis pattern (which is a series of squares stacked on their corners) and then painted the door in Benjamin Moore’s Barely Teal mixed with their self-priming Aura line.
If you’re interested in contrasting colors, try painting the entire door prior to taping with another color/priming blend.
Cool idea, right? Here are three more, starting with two closet makeovers and one front door that’s sure to grab a bit of attention. All images from Apartment Therapy.
I especially love the idea of taking lackluster sliding closet doors and giving them a quick update. Painting isn’t the only option, what about wallpapering or covering in corkboard squares?

i seriously love the internet. this is the exact pattern i want to use for the top of a desk, tone on tone, glossy on matte black. it’s great to see the how-to and results. THANKS!
I LOVE this – I have a tiny little office – it might be cool to do this on one of the walls!
Love this! I DO have crappy doors! This may add a little flair to my new guest room.
Projects like this make me wish we had a house with crappy doors. Ours are all solid oak and the Mr. would kill me dead if I decided to paint one. So sad…
What a cool idea. I think I might just try this!