September is here and summer is coming to a close… but the weather has never been more perfect for an outdoor, hot-summer’s-day BBQ! For a bit of inspiration, check out this great Orange, Pink & Red theme by Better Homes & Gardens. Colorful melamine plates and paper lanterns — ribbon adorned cups, pitchers and seat cushions — checkered table cloths and matching napkins! Get creative and incorporate any color scheme that you love, it’s easy to set the atmosphere and bring cohesion into a lively party through colors and patterns. And as always, it’s all about the details!
Recognize the paper lanterns? I couldn’t help but highlight this great idea last week in my paper lantern gallery post, too! I love the idea of prepping everything at once with a bit of paint, ribbon and a few minutes of extra time. Entertaining feels easy when you stick to a basic, colorful party theme!
Great inspirational details shown here include:
{1} Big slices of lemon and lime for your pitchers of lemonade, {2} ribbon wrapped planters with colorful flowers, {3} decals on your umbrellas (and windows!), {4} ribbon pinned to colorful seat cushions (flip those cushions over and pull ribbon taut around cushion, secure with a pushpin — be sure it’s thin enough!), {5} painted paper lanterns (pull out those paint brushes and liven up white paper lanterns — cluster about accordingly), {6} find brightly colored melamine, plastic wear and straws to add even more color!

i. love. the. grouped. lanterns!!!!! *faint*