I’m all about the out-of-the-ordinary decorations that show off your creativity, resourcefulness and enlighten any visitor with that ‘ah-ha!’ or ‘how did you do that?’ moment. I can’t think of a better way to inexpensively update a bedroom then by adding chic fabric (and a thin layer of batting) to upholster a uniquely shaped wooden headboard. The great thing about this easy task is that you can change it out again and again! A steady staple gun is all you need. Warped window panes and vellum make a fantastic antique backdrop, these could be hung on the walls anywhere, really! If you’re from the ground-shaking earthquake-prone areas, such as myself, empty the glass out of the panes and hang behind your bed for a lightweight ornament. You could also add black & white photos to the empty panes, filling in missing glass with memories and momentos. The above are filled with a transparent vellum available at any craft or scrapbooking store. The lower right headboard is painted and lined with wall decals (you could use stencils too) that trail up the bed and onto the wall, adding a splash of color and a unique, eye-catching motif to an ordinary room. Check out Better Homes & Gardens for the full article.