A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Little Mister or Little Miss? A Gender Reveal Party!

Oh man, I’ve been looking forward to this past Sunday for months! We hosted a little BBQ with family and friends to ‘reveal’ the gender of Baby Spenla all together… and it was so much fun. Crazy, giddy fun as you’ll see in the short ‘revealing’ video in just a second! When I found out the sex of our new little babe I did these crazy little claps while jumping up and down and laughing. I was so overjoyed and totally caught-off-guard surprised!

But let’s start from the top!

My big Christmas present from Kevin this year was his agreement to learn the sex of this new addition prior to his/her arrival. I loved waiting to find out with Liv – there’s something about your first that makes it much more manageable! But I was really anxious to learn whether we’d be welcoming a boy or girl with this second pregnancy, and being the loving hubby that he is he agreed after a little arm twisting… and under one condition: we throw a Gender Reveal Party! Which I was all for.

So a few weeks ago we sent out a little evite to share the details of the Sunday afternoon party (Katrina helped to design that sweet little graphic there on the left since Evite is not privvy to Gender Reveal Parties just yet…). ‘Little Mister or Little Miss’ is a play on the nicknames Kevin and I have had for each other for ages (Mister & Miss) – and Liv is our first ‘Little Miss’.

Then last Tuesday we went in for our 20 week ultrasound…

And asked the technician to seal up the gender in an envelope so that we could open it later with our family (our awesome sitter helped to keep the gender a secret so that even we would be surprised with everyone else! I delivered the sealed envelope to her and she packed the box of balloons – even surprising us with yummy gender revealing cupcakes at the party).

Liv was actually pretty fussy throughout most of the ultrasound appointment (Kevin and I brought her along thinking she might think it was neat to see the baby in mommy’s belly), but at the very end we finally realized why. She just wanted a turn.

Finally Sunday arrived! It was time to BBQ and relax and enjoy a nice (chilly) San Diego afternoon.

We kept the event simple and low key with the exception of a guessing/wagering game and mandatory bows/bowties.

If your guess was a girl, then the clip on the back of the bow secured it to the top of your head. If a boy, then the bowtie could be clipped onto the collar of your shirt.

While everyone mingled and ate, I set out four jars to serve as our guessing game, and our kitchen chalkboard held Old Wives’ Tale clues. Aren’t some of those pretty funny?

The four wagering questions included guessing: girl or boy, date of birth, weight of baby and a name! Paper clips allowed you to attach a dollar bill to your guess if you were in on the wagering. The girl/boy and name guess were announced at the party for fun, the weight and date will have to be stored away for a few months before we see who wins.

Once everyone ate it was finally time! The sun was on the verge of setting, the anticipation was building and I couldn’t WAIT to tear open that box!

Here’s a little video that I put together for the big reveal that you might find pretty entertaining:

The lovely music is Valentine by Kina Grannis (I was lucky enough to go to school with her and listen along in coffee shops before she made it big).

Just in case you’re not in a place you can watch a video, here are some snapshots (taken from the video, so they’re a little blurry) of the big reveal.


it’s a GIRL!!!!

I am so, SO excited for Liv to have a sister!

A few random side notes… I can’t believe Kevin kept his eyes closed for the first ten seconds or so! My eyes were pealed on that box. Did you catch the little air I got with the giddy jump? Pure shock. Also, I reached that far under the wrapping paper of the box (it looks odd in the video) at the suggestion of the wrapper so that all of the balloons could be released at once.

I should have had someone snap single shots as well because those are awfulllly blurry. Ah well.

The box packed full of balloons was an awesome visual for everyone to see (I’ve seen this idea roaming around Pinterest but I tried to keep it eco-friendly by not letting the balloons float off) and the gender revealing cupcakes were delicious! (thank you Kara)

Team Pink and Team Blue. We all thought boy! I had a very strong feeling this baby was a boy so I was especially shocked!

I’m over the moon ecstatic about welcoming a baby girl come June. I have always thought it would be so neat for Liv to have a little sister, and now she’ll have one close in age!! And as a family we’ve always pictured ourselves with three ish children, so perhaps that last little bundle will be a mini Kevin. For now, I have my girls and I couldn’t be happier!

Pink nursery/big girl room, here we come! I’ve been dreaming about you for ages…

Liv’s ‘Bag of Kisses’ Valentine’s Day Project

***Congrats to Ashley D. on winning the $100 Minted.com giveaway!! Thank you to everyone who entered***

Liv and I made little Valentine’s Day treat bags for her grandparents and great grandparents (they were inspired by this version we made last year for Mother’s Day with drawings by Liv and taffy), and this time around we filled the little clear bags with Hershey’s kisses to officially send ‘Bags of Kisses’ through the mail.

BUT, before I share this super easy and customizable candy bag, I have to share that we had our little gender reveal party yesterday and it was so much fun! So neat to experience the awesome surprise of what we’re having with everyone at the same time!! Caught it on camera so I can share the surprise with you all. But you have to wait just one more day or two while I edit the video! So sorry for the suspense… let me just say I was totally caught off guard!

Okay… back to the cute little baggies :).


‘Bag of Kisses’ Treat Bags

Materials: pretty paper, clear treat bags (almost any size will work – I used 5×7 bags for this project and 4×6 bags for today’s project), an optional photo or image for the bag, Hershey’s kisses, paper cutter, glue/stapler 

A very quick and simple project to assemble.

First up was Liv’s Valentine’s Day photo shoot! I actually caught Liv on a day that she was wearing her little tutu (as a ‘ballerina’ – which rarely happens) and handed her a construction paper heart to play with (I made two which turned out to be the smartest plan because the first was crinkled and torn before I had even pulled out my camera).

Then we shot away!

500 pictures later (in about 45 seconds) and Liv was smiling and standing and carrying the heart in the same photo. I love that middle shot – I always have to take a ton, but it’s always worth it.

Actually this might be my favorite:

We turned it into the little card that we’d send out with the bags:

Ahhh and here’s Liv last Valentine’s Day! One year makes a huge difference.

After processing the photos, I ended up cropping both the bag and photo to make the finished bags just a little smaller.

Then into the bag went a handful of kisses and on the top of the bag a cut rectangle of a pretty paper (from the scrapbooking aisle) that was folded in half. You could easily staple the top directly onto the clear bag as well, but I tried something new for a seamless look this time around with glue.


I couldn’t decide on which pose I loved best, so I made several of each:

Here’s the entire project in one quick collage:


This is a favorite and easy project in our house, we’ve made them for Mother’s Day (which I referenced above here) but you could use them for parties (they make great favor ‘thank you’ bags) or as treats for school. You could really add any image (be it a favorite photo, paper, fabric square, etc) as the backdrop or even leave it blank as a clear bag. Use a solid piece of paper at the top to include a little message, too! And we’ve also filled these with miscellaneous goodies such as confetti or glitter just for added fun.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Here’s a quick link to search by all heart-day related posts.

A Thank You Post!

Happy Friday! And soon to be weekend (so ready for the weekend). We are hosting a gender reveal party this Sunday for our little Baby Spenla (we went in for our 20 week ultrasound Tuesday and asked the technician to seal up the gender in an envelope) and we can’t wait! By the way, did you catch that? Our 20 week appointment! I can’t believe we’re half way there!!

I am starting a new little ‘thank you’ series that highlights the very special people that keep this blog going. Blogging is a passion and sharing our creative living is something that I would continue to do if PDB had just one reader and we didn’t make a penny from it. But it is these folks that I am especially grateful to for helping to keep the blog ‘lights’ on. I hope that you’ll visit PDB’s sponsors if you have the chance!

First up, I’d like to welcome three new sponsors to our family!

Welcome, Fabric Warehouse Direct! FWD is a discount online fabric boutique that offers first quality, brand-name upholstery, drapery and wallpaper that are closeouts so their prices are more than 50% off retail prices! You might recognize names like: Kravet, Brunschwg & Fils, Lee Jofa, Ralph Lauren, Gaston Y Daniela, Titley Marr, Osborne + Little etc. PS you can get in on bigger savings by becoming a FB fan of theirs.

I am so happy to welcome Minted to our team as well. Their beautifully designed invitations, art prints, business cards and party decor are so fun to browse through. I am loving this save-the-date which I might pair with this wedding invite and this Valentine’s-inspired artwork. Mmmm.

I have a secret to share with you… post-freshman year of college I lost 25 pounds through diet and exercise (I was a super active teen, but that freshman 15 is for real) and I believe healthy living should be a part of everyone’s life.

I happen to know Barb (our third newest sponsor this month) through a Women in Business group here in San Diego and she is spreading the good news about health as well. Barb is passionate about helping people enjoy better health, live in a healthy home and preserve a healthy world! She has lost 30 pounds (and counting) with Shaklee (you can read more about her story here). Shaklee is a company which produces products that are as natural as humanly possible.

If you guys have been following this blog for the last couple of years then you know that Lowe’s has had our back through a bathroom renovation and side yard transformation. Thank you to our favorite home improvement store for helping to make these projects happen with select products and advice, and for supporting us along the way! PS Lately we’ve been participating in their $50 and Change program – see our first project here and the second is soon to come!

Olympic delivers high quality paint and excellent advice to DIYers all over. We are thrilled to join forces with Olympic and share their magic through painting projects over here on the blog as well! Check out this Ultimate Painting Cheat Sheet – one of my new favorite resources!

Tiny Prints has sponsored our blog (and our Christmas cards!) for almost three years now. They are awesome to work with and their selection is fantastic. A few of my favorites? This sweet confetti card, this birth announcement (we used the pink version for Liv 2 years ago) and this vintage-esq wedding invite. PS get 20% off Valentine’s invites and cards with code: 20FEBVAL

Cards Direct is another long time supporter of PDB and we are so happy to include them in this round up. They offer seasonal, business and pretty photo cardsthis Valentine’s Day card being one of my favorites that I featured above! I love the classic design. And I might gift this card, or frame it!


Thank you to all of the sponsors behind PDB. It’s my goal to be as transparent as possible about the companies that partner with us to bring brand awareness to their products and I hope that these posts will help to do that. And of course my main goal is to honor sponsors for the support that they are!

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