A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Saving the Bath Toys

Man oh man this has been one of those weeks where as a 35-weeks-along-pregnant lady you just wish it were all over (pregnancy, that is). The belly feels huge, the disabling heartburn crawls up into your chest and takes over every evening, you’re constantly short on breath, dizzy spells are a regular, the sore lower back muscles feel no relief regardless of what you try. My feet become frozen with legs cramps that I didn’t know were possible but make you holler and jump on one leg – back and forth, back and forth.

Sometimes I can’t believe I have 5 – maybe 7! – more weeks to go. I hate to complain and I cannot wait to meet this baby girl, but there’s a reason that most women have short-term memory when it comes to pregnancy and delivery. I’m sure if we could recall every moment of the previous birth we would probably stop at one!

Allright, enough online griping, thank you for listening. I always know you’ll listen.

Here’s a little tip for you fellow baby/toddler mommas out there that I’ve heard about and have finally employed with our bin of bath toys that was getting a little mucky.

After running all bath toys through the dishwasher, I separated out the ‘squirters’ and used my nifty little glue gun to seal up those squirting holes. Ignore how dirty that glue gun is. It needs a trip through the dishwasher. (kidding)

Gone are the cavernous spaces that hold onto mold and mildew! Wish I would have done this from day one :).

Happy almost-weekend!

Spring Maintenance with HomeAdvisor: Outdoor Lighting!

Our landscape lighting project is coming along so well. We are needing just a little more time before the big reveal, but the electrician we’re working with through HomeAdvisor has done a terrific job. Can’t wait to share the details.

A few sneak peeks…

He began installing the fixtures and transformer box (so that the lights could be controlled via a timer) yesterday and was hoping to tackle the entire yard in one full day, but it looks like we’ll be rolling this project into our weekend plans before calling it finished.

Meanwhile, head on over to HomeAdvisor’s Spring Cleaning Contest to enter to win three free months of maid service at your home! Perfect timing for all of the nitty gritty projects that we don’t necessarily tackle on a regular basis, such as the inside of light fixtures, a deep clean of those base boards or taking apart the stove top piece by piece. To enter, use HomeAdvisor’s Cost Guide tool to find out the average cost of a maid service in your city. Submit that cost in the entry form found on HomeAdvisor’s Facebook page by tomorrow, May 16th and you’re eligible to win 3 months of free maid service. I’ve already entered – I need someone for the nitty gritty ;).

Have a HomeAdvisor project in mind? You can always get started right here, as well: 

We partnered with HomeAdvisor to spread the word on their pro matching services, but the opinions and feedback are all our own. Feel free to reach out if you have any further or more specific questions about our experience.

Wardrobe Style Boards: Casual Spring Style

Our first San Diegan heat wave hit this past weekend! On Mother’s Day, we slowly watched that temperature gauge crawl from 72 to 85 to 93! We usually don’t see the likes of those types of numbers until fall, but clearly summer is on its way.

Anna Kate and I added these two new style boards to the gallery as an ode to warm weather. And when it does cool back down at night (as it still so often does in the spring), don’t forget that super soft cardigan for layering.

Here’s AK’s board:


It’s already so hot here in AZ, y’all. I know half the country is still thawing, but we are well on our way to Summer! So, I’m dreaming of shorts and sandals during the day, and cute colorful sweaters to throw on in the slightly cooler evenings. These shorts are so fun for Spring, and despite what you might think, the stripes are really versatile. I would wear them with a neutral shoe and bag, and add pops of color with a red sweater and bright bangle.


And as a San Diego tribute to the climate change? Dresses, leather sandals and bold jewelry. I especially adore anything that goes from day to night seamlessly, including maxis in florals and statement necklaces.

I have a maternity-dedicated line up coming soon for all of you mommas out there that are in my same boat – speaking of, today the calendar tells me I have just five weeks to go! Wow. Here’s hoping that beautiful baby girl shows up before we reach 90 degrees again.

You can always find all sources, pricing and style boards in the full gallery right hereAnd Anna Kate can be found anytime blogging over here!

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