A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Girls’ Room: Progress on the Built-In Bookshelves

Sometimes it’s all in the little details… adding the last few touches to these built-in bookcases has taken a little bit of time but they look SO clean and beautiful right now! As if they had come built into the original architecture of the house rather than an addition that we’ve added.

It’s hard to tell in these before and after photos (especially when looking at them on a monitor), but the sanding, painting and caulking touch ups make all of the difference up close.

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

Here’s a snapshot at what we need to finish before these bookcases are ‘finished’.

Starting from the top: shelf inserts need to be installed, caulking of all cracks and crevices, drawer hardware and molding where the bookshelves meet the wall and windows.

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

First up after installation was a heavy amount of finish sanding. My mom and I knocked this out in an afternoon, but it’s a messy process! The finished result (after two sanding blocks worth of buffing), were smooth, perfect cabinets.

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

Then the cabinets were repainted.

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

The seams in the drawer and cabinetry faces are hard to see… but if you really want that polished look a dose of caulking around all edging is the cherry on top.

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

Looking good!!

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

And now for the hardware. I don’t have any shots of my Dad installing the hardware, but he helped us line up all of the pulls and drilled through the cabinet drawers to install each. I ordered knobs and campaign-style pulls from the same source as our kitchen hardware, I LOVE how it looks.

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Nursery Built-In Bookshelves | Painting & Caulking | PepperDesignBlog.com

We are getting there! Still need to add shelving inserts and the molding where the cabinetry meets the walls and windows. And the trim at the ceiling. Then these guys are finished.

Can’t wait to fill up those shelves and to finally have settled on window seat and window covering fabrics. Be back soon…

PS More nursery makeover posts can be found right here if you want to start from the beginning! And here’s what the first nursery looked like.

Momma Musings… Part 1

While we adjust to a new way of life over here (and all of the craziness that these first couple of weeks entail), I’ve invited several fellow momma bloggers to share their thoughts on two favorite ‘new mom’ questions of mine:

What is your favorite (and perhaps most unexpected) part of mommyhood?
What is/was one baby/nursery item you can’t/couldn’t have lived without?

I’ll be posting a few each week in July, I hope you enjoy!

Momma Musings Feature - Brooklyn Limestone | PepperDesignBlog.com

Stefanie blogs over at Brooklyn Limestone Limestone and is mom to adorable six-month-old Agatha. Stafanie is my travel guru and a DIYer to one beautiful Brooklyn Brownstone.

1. What is your favorite (and perhaps most unexpected) part of mommyhood? How easy it’s been to adjust! That first month is insane and it felt totally overwhelming but after that, it has been smooth sailing. Of course it is a lot of work and a huge adjustment from my old life – but its also a lot of fun! So much more fun than I ever imagined it would be.

Momma Musings Feature - Brooklyn Limestone | PepperDesignBlog.com

2. What is/was one baby/nursery item you can’t/couldn’t have lived without? Despite my best efforts to try to avoid the baby clutter, my house looks like a Babies R Us bomb went off. In other words, I have a lot of stuff that I find very useful but if I had to pick just one item it would be our stroller – the Bugaboo Bee. Its the only stroller Ive owned so I can’t say its better than others – I can simply say its been great for us. Great shock absorption for those bumpy walks over Brooklyn sidewalks, folds up nicely when we need to travel with it, has enough storage space that I can do a little shopping with it but no so big it can’t maneuver well in small boutiques. The only thing I wouldn’t mind having is a drink holder but I’ve never gotten around to finding one for it.

Momma Musings Feature - Brooklyn Limestone | PepperDesignBlog.com


Momma Musings Feature - Young House Love | PepperDesignBlog.com

Mom to adorable Clara, Sherry from Young House Love has to be one of my favorite DIY mommas. I wholeheartedly agree with her answer to #2! We have regular dance parties as instructed by Liv as well.

1. What is your favorite (and perhaps most unexpected) part of mommyhood? This might sound weird but I actually really liked nursing. Just the closeness and the guaranteed break that it gave us to go into our own little world together. Clara nursed until she was 14 months old, and although it was awesomely freeing to finally be done (she never took a bottle, so I was pretty much attached to her since birth) it was also really bittersweet when it was no longer a part of our routine.

Momma Musings Feature - Young House Love | PepperDesignBlog.com

2. What is/was one baby/nursery item you can’t/couldn’t have lived without? We got an iPod dock that we used as a sound machine (we bought a white noise CD off of amazon.com for 99 cents and played it on repeat all night long, which really seemed to keep her sleeping for nice long chunks of time). By going with an iPod dock over a sound machine itself, it gives us the freedom to play other fun music in her room with it too – which we do when she’s awake. Everyone needs a dance party…


Momma Musings Feature - Jones Design Company | PepperDesignBlog.com

Emily is the incredibly creative lady behind Jones Design Company and is momma to four adorable littles as well.

1. What is your favorite (and perhaps most unexpected) part of mommyhood? I most adore those first few weeks of just falling in love with your newborn. You study his face, learn his mannerisms, are enamoured with each and every move he makes. But it doesn’t end there … you continue to fall in love as each new stage comes – first the simple things like smiling and sitting up, then onto more advanced skills like walking and first words. They reach toddler-hood and their personalities continue to emerge. By elementary-age {where my oldest two now reside} you get to fall in love even deeper as you watch them think and learn and discover. It’s a constant tug between sadness and joy, this motherhood thing. Sadness that they grow so quickly from that precious little swaddled babe and the greatest joy you could ever know in watching them become themselves.

Momma Musings Feature - Jones Design Company | PepperDesignBlog.com

2. What is/was one baby/nursery item you can’t/couldn’t have lived without? My kids were crazy spitter-uppers, so cute burp cloths were a must! {I made a bunch of my own with this tutorial}

Momma Musings Feature - Jones Design Company Burp Clothes | PepperDesignBlog.com


Thanks everyone! And be sure to check out the above blogs, they’re favorite reads for a reason :).

Relaxing Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soaks

Congrats to Nichole K. on winning the SANUS TV mount giveaway! Big thanks to everyone who entered, winner chosen via random.org.

A while back I saw an idea just like this in Martha Stewart Living. They had used eucalyptus sprigs to create sweet smelling tea pouches for soaking in bubble baths and it sounded like a delicious idea. With the plethora of rosemary that we have growing in our yard, I thought that I’d try my own tea pouches out for post-baby birthing relaxation.

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

I started the project before I went into labor and I’m excited to test these out asap. The process was so very easy and these would make great gifts for fellow moms, friends, house guests, as favors or just as a ‘thinking of you’ gesture.


Rosemary Tea Pouches for the Bath


Materials: dried rosemary (or lavender, eucalyptus, you name it…), large tea filters (like these), twine or ribbon, stamps (optional)

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

Dried herbs can be purchased on sites like Amazon and Save-On-Crafts.com, but I cut a handful from our garden for this project.

Rosemary | PepperDesignBlog.com

I prepped the dried rosemary just as I did for my Rosemary-Infused Olive Oil, which includes a thorough bug rinse and a couple of hours of soaking in clean water.

Rosemary | PepperDesignBlog.com

Rosemary | PepperDesignBlog.com

The rosemary is laid out on foil or a cutting board to completely dry overnight (if the herbs have any moisture in them at all you’re at risk for mold).

  Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

Then simply stuff those pouches!

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

To turn a few into gifts, I used a stamp set to spell out R E L A X on several pouches.

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

And then consulted my jar of random ribbon and twine clippings (I can never throw away those cute little bits of ribbon that come on gifts, clothing from boutique stores…)


And I wrapped up each with a little bow to both seal the top of the tea bag and to use as a string to hang from the bath faucet for bubble baths.

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

Rosemary Tea Pouch Bath Soak | PepperDesignBlog.com

They look awfully pretty hanging from the bath tub faucet, but I recommend dropping several into your steaming tub for ultimate steeping.

PS More handmade gifts just like these found right here. And here’s the recipe to that Rosemary-Infused Olive Oil and Lavender & Lemon Sea Salt.

PPS 38 fantastic Anthro hacks!

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