A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Traveling with Two in Tow, Part 2 (A Trip to the Airport)

Welcome back! Here’s part two to yesterday’s post on gear for traveling with two little ones. I thought it might be fun to make my travel suggestions a bit more applicable by running through a quick trip to the airport while I’m flying solo (I just actually did this in June). Just as a reference, everything that I refer to here is mentioned in yesterday’s round up! Sorry for the lengthy post – I hope this comes in handy for fellow traveling mommas at some point in the future :).

Travel in Action

When we arrive at the airport my first mission is to get our little crew and all of our luggage to the check-in counter in one piece. Having whomever drops me off (Kevin, parents, friend) park their car and walk us in is usually quite time consuming, so I prefer a curb side drop off.

Checking Luggage: I stow our Ergo in the basket of the stroller and attach one of the car seats to the top of the stroller with the safety belt (I have the car seat adaptor attached). The other car seat I carry in a travel bag. How I choose which car seat to strap to stroller: if we’re on a flight that I don’t think will be sold out I’ll bring T’s car seat – they’ll let you bring it aboard for free. If I know it’s a busy flight, and because I already have purchased a seat for Liv, I bring hers. Kids flying in car seats makes life so much easier for mom. They’re strapped in! They’re used to that feeling while traveling and they’ll happily sit and read books, eat snacks, and so on rather than attempt to move about with their plane curiosity or kick the seat in front of them.

Liv helps me roll one of the rolling suitcases to the counter, I roll the other suitcase and push the stroller which has Taylor in the lower basket and my packed up car seat stacked on top. We are a moving luggage cart at this point :).

I always check our bags. I check one car seat in a travel bag (free – you can even fit other equipment into this free bag), one roller bag for me and one roller bag with Liv & T clothing (diapers, etc). If you have a three-year-old that loves to hold her own boarding pass simply ask that two be printed (one for you, one for her).

Security Line: We move on to the security line with both girls now in the stroller (one strapped into car seat in stroller) so that we’re all contained. Easy peasy!


When I reach the front of security I already have my laptop out of the diaper bag/briefcase and push that as well as Liv’s travel backpack through the conveyor belt. I unstrap girls and add car seat upside down to belt and then break down stroller. We reassemble on the opposite side and have the whole process down pat to make it extra fast and easy for everyone lining up behind us (wondering how they ended up ‘stuck’ behind a family). Kids don’t have to take off shoes, though Liv usually wants to join in on that fun.

Terminal to Gate and Nabbing Extra Seats: Down to the gate we travel. I stop first at the gate desk and collect a gate check tag for the stroller (if I brought T’s and there’s a chance that I might not be able to bring it aboard I grab one for the stroller, too). These tags confirm to the airlines that we intend to drop equipment off before boarding the plane at the end of the passenger walkway bridge. They also sign away airline liability should a piece be damaged, so make sure that extra straps and plastic parts are secure. I double check with the airline attendants that there’s room on the flight for us to take over three seats (we’ve only purchased two but airlines are always awesome about giving away one more at the gate for a baby if there’s room).

Boarding: Family boarding is the best. Board as early as you’re able (and if you’re pregnant you can even board earlier when they call for travelers needing extra time) so that you have your choice of seats – not the front, not the back – on the plane. I prefer middle where other kids might sit (business travel is usually at the front of the plane and you’ll receive more sideways glances, I prefer the company of other moms and kids).

When we board the flight I put Taylor in the Ergo attached to me and walk the stroller to the plane door. Here’s where I leave it broken down for the crew to gate check. Liv carries her backpack and I carry the car seat, baby and my bag (Ergo is SO awesome here) down the aisle to our seats. If I have T’s car seat Liv sits in the middle, car seat at the window and me on the aisle (no escaping). If I don’t then Liv loves the window! We pull out books and snacks and settle in for a nice little flight. If I don’t have Taylor’s car seat I do my best to convince her to stay in the Ergo for the duration of the trip.


Deboarding: Since we have to wait for our stroller (and possibly a car seat) to come out of gate check cargo we might as well wait until everyone else has gotten off the plane to deboard. Once Taylor is back in the Ergo and Liv has her backpack ready to go, off the plane we walk to meet our stroller right at the plane door on the passenger bridge.

Extra Hints

Hint #1: Flight take off is the best opportunity for coaxing naps. There’s something about the ascent and elevation change that lulls little eyes to sleep so thin blankets (or momma’s scarf) and snuggling are helpful here (headphones with lullabies from your phone even better). If no one falls asleep as we rise to 30,000 feet then it probably won’t happen.

Hint #2: Pack more snacks than you ever thought necessary. Little hands are occupied best when they are busy enjoying snack traps of raisins, pretzels, fruit and the like. I literally pack Liv’s backpack with a pound of snack options. The goal is that they are eating for every second of the flight.

Hint #3: Board with empty water bottles. There’s nothing like discovering that your water bottle has emptied onto all of the toys/snacks/change of clothes in your bag. It’s happened too many times! Hydration in air is key but I fill up the water bottles during in-flight service and order water with no ice.

Hint #4: Apps, videos and games are lifesavers. All of my technology rules fly out the window when we are in flight. Doesn’t occupy Taylor in quite the way it entertains Liv, but she’s a happy camper if she has her headphones and a kid’s show to enjoy during the flight. I use a board book (that we read forwards, backwards, upside down…) and more snacks for T. Extra toys aren’t really worth the work to carry them on board (with the exception of these – genius that they don’t roll!), my goal is to pack as small and lightweight of a bag as possible.

Hint #5: If you must share your row with other passengers I highly recommend grandmas. Or women that look like grandmas. They are kind, they hold babies while you take toddlers to the bathroom, they smile while kids sing softly in their seats. (I’ll save you the story of the bewildered business man who once held, at arms length, Liv as an infant while I repositioned bags in overhead storage).

Hint #6: If it’s a night flight, PJs are great. They might even encourage a bit of sleep (as will a car seat as opposed to sitting on their own).

Hint #7: Bribery is okay. Here’s one of those rare situations when I use bribery to get my way. With a 3-year-old it’s not always a guarantee that travel will be smooth or easy (even with angel children like mine ;)). I often have a handful of M&Ms or Skittles ready to incentivize and we make a game out of behaving well on the plane. Liv might earn an M&M for each ten minutes of great behavior on the flight, she might lose an M&M from the bag if she kicks the seat in front of her. There’s always an opportunity to earn every lost treat back.


Hint #8: From a reader and so good that I had to add it to the list: It’s okay to accept help. We all want to be tough, capable mom’s but there is nothing wrong with someone helping carry your bags on, or unfold your stroller. :) People like to help, which is so awesome!


In general, travel with our little fam is less stressful if I follow these simple rules: 1. strap children to myself or a car seat/stroller whenever possible, 2. pack LOTS of dry, not messy food, 3. make sure iPad/phone has a long charge in it, 4. relax because kids will get as ansy as you are in any situation.


What are your tips? Please do share any that you’ve found to be successful! I’m always looking for extra tools for my tool belt.

Enjoy your beautiful weekend and your next opportunity to travel!

PS more travel posts shared here. We took Liv over to Europe for 4 ish weeks when she was 20 months old and documented (all except Morocco – I promise to get to that) here. She was a travel champ, even with 10 hour flights.

My Favorite Travel Tools for Flying with Two in Tow

The travel posts on this site must be well indexed by Google because a question that I receive somewhat frequently via email is what travel equipment for kids are my go-tos. I’ve covered tips for traveling with babies here and toddlers here, but that was – for the most part – when I was traveling with just one (one these days feels like a breeze!). Let’s talk about equipment today and what a typical trip to the airport might look like.

If I took inventory on what gear (for navigating airports, restaurants, city streets) that make traveling just a little bit easier, I would come up with these five products that I regularly rely on (update: part two of the gear in action now posted):

My Secret Baby-Toddler Tools for Travel with 2 | PepperDesignBlog.com

They are by no means must-haves, but I depend on them a ton! I’ve mentioned before but my office headquarters is up in the Monterey Bay area (about 500 miles north of San Diego) and I’m lucky enough to often bring the girls with me when I travel for work. I have family in Santa Cruz and my mom or Kevin might even travel with me to watch and play with the girls while I’m in the office during the week. There are times when I’m traveling solo with the girls too for work or for play, and I like to make travel as no-frills, no-fuss as possible (I bring as little as possible and make as little of a deal about it I can, I think of it as just part of our life).

My Secret Travel Tool List

1 | Phil & Ted’s Navigator Double Stroller: I’m a huge fan of three wheel strollers for ease of use. After much research I discovered that this guy has received the best double (for a stacked stroller rather than a side-by-side) stroller reviews. We love it. T sits snugly in the bottom seat and Liv rides up top. Even better – it fits either our Combi Cocorro car seat for Liv OR our Graco Snugride for Taylor with the car seat attachment (check it out in action from a recent trip to the airport). For the record, I’m not sure what manufacturer guidelines are for car seat compatibility, I’m speaking purely from personal use here.

PS I love my BOB stroller more and look forward to the day when I have only one in a stroller so that I can pull it out again. BUT as far as doubles go, this guy fits easily through airport security conveyor belts, can be gate checked, and – most importantly – ensures that I have my two little companions buckled in and secure while wandering terminals or city streets.

2 | Combi Cocorro Car Seat: I researched high and low for a lightweight car seat for travel to Europe two years back and discovered the Cocorro. I love, LOVE this car seat more than words can describe! It’s very lightweight for travel and it’s quite compact (you can even fit three across in the back seat of a car). It’s the only up-to-40lb car seat that can fit in a stroller with the cross-car seat safety belt in place and when we stow it under the plane it’s very easy for me or anyone else to cart around in a travel bag. We have the black (available here).

3 | Graco Snugride: Originally bought this infant car seat because it was compatible with the most amount of products (BOB and Phil & Ted’s Navigator strollers being two key ones). We used it for Liv and now for T.

4 | Ergo Carrier: By far the easiest carrier to put on and take off quickly for travel which is great for boarding a plane. Has a large sun cover for walking around when we reach our destination or for allowing T to sleep on my chest while flying (I can block out all light). I love that I can wear her on the front or back and that even at 12 months it’s super easy for me to carry her around. We used the infant insert when she was less than three months old.

5 | Phil & Ted’s Wriggle Wrapper: I am not a fan of traveling with baby products. I’ve mentioned before that I put the girls to sleep wherever I can when we arrive (beds on the floor, beds in drawers or car seats – infants can sleep anywhere). The idea of carrying a travel high chair makes me laugh – momma has two hands and is willing to bring two rolling suitcases and a stroller with her tops! This Wriggle Wrapper rolls up to the size of a rolled sweater and weighs about a half a pound. If I bring it along I am grateful later for the high chair help at restaurants or the hotel (T’s a mover and shaker, especially when she’s eating :)). This soft high chair wraps around any solid chair (unlike the fabric versions that slide over the top of a chair which is very limiting) and secures baby in while they eat. I think that the Wrapper may have been discontinued! Snatch one up if you can find it (there are alternative brands out there, too).

Bonus: Maclaren Triumph Lightweight Stroller: The bonus stroller that’s not on the above list is my lightweight Maclaren. I usually opt for a stroller that can do double duty by carrying a car seat with it as well, but if you are looking for an umbrella-style stroller that quickly folds up for, say, hopping on and off of a city tour bus but one that also reclines for mid-day naps (naps should never rule your vacation) this is the one.


But what about all of the above in action!? I’m breaking this post up into two (soooo many words) but come on back for a typical trip to the airport with our fam so that you can see how just little me with two little arms gets the troupe from point A to point B. Pics and hints to follow! Update: you can jump out to that post right here.

PS if you have a moment pop over to this interview from the lovely Capella – I was thrilled to be featured and you might find it interesting! She quizzed me about my hometown, my comfort foods, who I’m inspired by…

Kitchen Breakfast Nook: Searching For a Pair of Chairs

Oops! You may have caught a sneak peek to a post that I’m working on called ‘5 Lessons I Learned From My Mother’ that published itself at 3am this morning :). That one is still in draft phase… sorry for the rss email that blasted out for those that are subscribed to the blog!

Kitchen Breakfast Table | Tufted Bench, Giant Chalkboard | PepperDesignBlog.com
Do you know what’s missing from the above photo?

Kitchen Breakfast Table | Tufted Bench, Giant Chalkboard | PepperDesignBlog.com

A new door and another chair. We’ve installed and stained the new door (there are woohoo’s around here to be had for miles about this door! you might have caught a sneak peek here) and I’ve officially given up on finding my beloved little consignment guy a mate. I actually was very close – about a year ago we were on a weekend vacation to the mountains and, while stopping by a local thrift store called ‘the dump’ (so aptly named because it saves great finds from the dump next door), I actually found a bentwood that, with a little love, might have turned out just like the above chair. It was in bad shape… and Kev mistook it as trash while cleaning out our garage months later and took it to our local dump with a big haul one afternoon without me realizing as much. Ah well. Time for something new and perhaps a little less woodsy.

We have a lot of maple stained wood around the kitchen these days and if I picture a new pair of chairs I’m leaning away from a natural wood and more towards a solid color. At first it was white…

Kitchen Nook Breakfast Chair Inspiration | PepperDesignBlog.com

1 | 2 | 3

But there’s not really that much white in the kitchen itself (except for white dishes in the glass cabinets or on the countertop). Next I thought that color could be really fun!

Kitchen Nook Breakfast Chair Inspiration | PepperDesignBlog.com

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Those red chairs are amazing! And color pops so well, especially in photos. But the more and more that I searched and sat (harhar) on the idea, the more I realized that I was drawn to a different color in this space.

Kitchen Breakfast Table | Tufted Bench, Giant Chalkboard, Black French Doors | PepperDesignBlog.com

Black? Yes, I think black. Between the chalkboard, black framed art, black french doors, oil rubbed bronze faucet hardware…

Kitchen Breakfast Table | Tufted Bench, Giant Chalkboard, Black French Doors | PepperDesignBlog.com

Black is awfully tempting. Is it too much?? Will the black chairs play friendly with the other pieces of furniture in the space? I’m off to explore some options. (It’s kind of nice for me to look back on these photos… at this moment that little kitchen table is filled with craft projects and magazine clippings from Liv’s latest venture. Maybe today I’ll unearth the table again for some great visualizing).

Projects from this space: diy tufted cabinets (aka a new breakfast table bench), a simple giant framed chalkboard, a little cork art & family station, glossy black salvaged french doors (found on the side of the road), calendar wall art (in the black frames) and the ‘before’ kitchen (talk about lots of maple).

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