A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Two Simple Summer Tarts: Savory & Sweet {+ a Little Video}

Two summer treats to take you into your weekend.

One is savory and creamy and just perfect served with an arugula and balsamic vinegar salad on a warm summer’s day. The other is sweet and juicy and just sugary enough to end a meal on. Both are made with store-bought pie crust (who has time to make from scratch with that beautiful summer sun beckoning?) and can be whipped up in about fifteen minutes plus bake time.

I even put together a little video on the assembly of this first guy, you’ll have to let me know what you think (wink).

A Simple Summer Tart: Rosemary & Tomato


Ingredients: 9″ ish pie crust, cream cheese, fresh herbs, olive oil, sliced tomatoes or halved cherry tomatoes, sea salt and pepper

Mix together cream cheese and finely chopped herbs. Roll out pie crust and sprinkle a bit of olive oil throughout. Spread cream cheese mixture over the olive oil leaving about 2″ along edge of dough. Line cream cheese mixture with tomatoes and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Fold up edges of dough. Bake at 400 for 40 ish minutes, pumping up the oven to Broil for the last 10-15.

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

No video for this second version, but a few more photos…

A Simple Summer Tart: Apricot & Fig

Ingredients: 9″ ish pie crust, jam or jelly, honey, sliced apricots (or other fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, plums, peaches… or a combination of!)

I’ll preface that just like the last savory tart, this sweet tart has an infinite number of combinations! My favorite might be peaches + plum jam, but you can use anything you have in the fridge.

Roll out pie crust and spread jam on top within 2″ of edges. Line jam with sliced fruit and roll up edges of dough. If you’d like, brush a little extra jam on top of fruit and edges of dough. Bake at 400 for 40 ish minutes.

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

I try to keep frozen rolled pie crust on hand and Trader Joe’s is my favorite – though most any will do. We are getting a plethora of stone fruit and tomatoes from our neighbors and our CSA box right now so these have been an easy treat to literally throw together at any time!

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

Good Eats | Simple Summer Tart | PepperDesignBlog.com

More good eats and recipes found right here.

Office Makeover: Floating Shelves (& More Storage!)

My office is in need of some love. Since I work from home (my company is in Northern California and I’m lucky enough to not have to make that commute from San Diego more than every couple of months), I spend a good portion of my day there. It is my work-craft-play space. It holds equal amounts of company paperwork/portfolios (I’m the marketing director) as well as bolts of fabric, sewing supplies, balls of yarn, boxes of paints, you name it… so storage is a constant necessity.

I have this little corner in the office that was previously underutilized, and now boasts of a bit more storage for all of my random knick knacks.

New Office Floating Shelves | PepperDesignBlog.com

I love the look of floating shelves! The shelves don’t feel too ‘grounded’ in the space because they lack legs and a backing. It’s open, light and airy – perfect for a room that is currently overloaded with furniture on all sides (namely, two mid century dressers, bookcases and an oversized desk – a dining table that we cut down).

Styling and color inspiration from Pinterest (I couldn’t find the sourcing for any of these links which is such a bummer… but you can see the original pins on my Office pin board).

Office Shelving Inspiration | PepperDesignBlog.com

I initially had plans to build these floating shelves myself since I couldn’t find anything in price range for the unique wall size of this corner. But then as I was inspecting a LACK unit from Ikea, I wondered about cutting down the long shelf to the correct size.

New Office Floating Shelves | PepperDesignBlog.com

I experimented with one, and it worked! Next came installation:

New Office Floating Shelves | PepperDesignBlog.com

For these to be even somewhat stable they must be connected to the wall through studs, so the trial and error took a bit. But all was finally finished and I had a new set of wall shelves.

New Office Floating Shelves | PepperDesignBlog.com

I noticed right away that these shelves weren’t going to be book holding, heavy basket toting shelves – it’s part the Ikea particle board from which they’re built, part the fact that they are bolted into just one wall (when exterior, below-the-shelf brackets would have possibly allowed for stabilizing from two walls), and part that we cut them down by about a foot, but they hold baskets of computer cords, balls of yarn and fabric swatches just fine.

New Office Floating Shelves | PepperDesignBlog.com

New Office Floating Shelves | PepperDesignBlog.com

I moved my gold lettering project in from the living room too. I think this is a great new home for my H O M E.

The baskets, magazine butlers and white stacking containers are from Ikea, the brown boxes from See Jane Work, the black and while sailing print a thrift store find, plants and containers from Green Your Air, wooden hand sculpture from TYPO.

New Office Floating Shelves | PepperDesignBlog.com

Here’s the other side of the office. We need some bright pops of color up in here!

Office-In-Progress | PepperDesignBlog.com

Next up, a newly covered office chair (in velvet, ooooooo so soft), some pretty art and a better filing system.

PS More Office Makeover posts (from the point that we tore those walls down to convert the space from an old kitchen into an office) here.

*Giveaway* A Dress or Skirt from Shabby Apple

I’m a dress girl, especially in the summer. I love how versatile they are, how easily they can be dressed up or down, day to night. Recently Shabby Apple sent me their Window Shop dress to try out. It’s still too small but one of these post-baby-birthing days I hope to fit into it… one of these days.

Shabby Apple is also teaming up with the blog to offer a giveaway of any dress or skirt to one reader. Their site is known for its flattering, vintage-style, one-of-a-kind dresses and I invite you to head on over to their site to do a little browsing!

For fun, I’ve added their Window Shop dress to a style board and paired it with a few ideas for an upcoming wedding (August, that’s the goal… August).

Shabby Apple Style Board | PepperDesignBlog.com

Clutch | Dress | Heels | Necklace

Which is your favorite Shabby Apple dress? Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below for a chance to win any dress or skirt on the site!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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