A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Guest Posting: Being a Working Mom

Many of you know that I’m a full time working mom and that while it’s a necessity for us (Kevin has been a full time student and is now starting his own business), I also really enjoy it. I find a lot of fulfillment in strategizing, planning and forecasting for the many challenges and successes of the company that I work for, and while I don’t know if I’ll be doing what I’m currently doing job-wise forever, I do anticipate working in some sort of capacity for a long, long time.


About a year ago I discovered this article by former director of policy planning for the State Department, Anne-Marie Slaughter. She describes a society that can’t support a woman who ‘wants it all’ but openly challenges business as we know it today to build a society that can, without abandoning the morals and principles that many of us moms hold firm (namely, the family). She left her chance-of-a-lifetime position in Washington DC to be with her family (and to continue her more flexible role as dean of Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs). I found her article (and I read it word for word – you’ll love it I’m sure) very compelling and very in line with what I hope we are growing towards. In a very coarse summary, she shares how she believes companies can create flexible working situations that support both the family and a growing business. She also discusses the various stages that we’ll encounter as women in life and how we are constantly changing and evolving our role. Employee, employer, mom, entrepreneur, student, volunteer, business owner, c-level vp, grandparent… so many different stages. We don’t necessarily have to do it all at the same time. 

I’m fortunate that my day job offers me the flexibility to be a good mom and a good employee. It takes a lot of organizing and a lot of self-sacrifice, but finding that stride feels good. I was honored when Corinna (also working mom) of Track 8 asked me to guest post as part of her series on working moms. Check it out here.

We are traveling to Florida for a wedding and a little R&R this week and haven’t had much internet access while on the go, but I do hope you’ll pop over to Corinna’s blog to check it out!

Working Mom & Traveling Tips | PepperDesignBlog.com

Liv & I traveling for work last year (here are two posts on traveling with babies & toddlers as well).

Kitchen Makeover: Inspiration for the Pantry

There is one last little nook in our den-to-kitchen space that is yet to be finished…

From the perspective of the office (or the front of our kitchen), the kitchen looks pretty complete. Especially considering that it started out as a den (wood paneling and all) five years ago.

Our Den to Kitchen Transformation - Finished! PepperDesignBlog.com

But if you were to look to the right of this space, you’d see a clear glass door that looks like this:


Harmless at first glance, but if you open it up you’ll find a half complete shelf space lined with random cleaning supplies, dog gear and bulk paper towels from Costco. I keep waiting for it to be finished finished before filling it with food and using it as intended.

It has plans to one day be a fabulous pantry, one of those organized, pretty pantries that come complete with labeled shelves and cute baskets and bins sorted by type of canned veggie.

But on the bright side, at least it’s not here anymore!


A pantry will be nice because the kitchen actually has very little storage (much like the rest of our house) thanks to last year’s transformation of three closets to a full bath.


The bathroom is worth its weight in gold and getting rid of closets has caused us to streamline our saved gear (jackets, boots,etc) or find new homes in places like the garage for rarely-used clothing. The lack of house storage is starting to take its toll three years in. Good news for the kitchen! As you can see from the above layout, when we built that new bath we also built in a small pantry space. A small, underutilized (until today) space that I can’t wait to finish up.

I shared here how Kevin had basically dreamed up a man-cave pantry complete with beverage cooler for his craft brews and pallet lined walls for that rustic look (with rope lights no less).


Kevin insisted upon a clear glass door while I suggested we frost it. He agreed to be very organized when it came to canned goods so I agreed to give the clear you-can-see-everything-inside a go.


Let’s just say that that’s not working out so well…

So now it’s my turn to dream up a lovely pantry interior storage solution! Happy to get my paws on those bags of dried beans…

Pantry Inspiration | PepperDesignBlog.com

Image 1 & 2

Pantry Inspiration | PepperDesignBlog.com

Pantry Inspiration | PepperDesignBlog.com

Image 3 & 4

Pantry Inspiration | PepperDesignBlog.com

Jars and baskets and bins, oh my! Can’t wait to get started when we’re back from our little R&R trip to Florida…

PS More Kitchen Makeover posts here.

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend

It must be cantaloupe season because at the start of this weekend I had four almost overly ripe cantaloupes sitting in our fruit bowl from our CSA box. I try to come up with creative ways to use up our CSA ingredients (in the fall we receive a ton of root veggies from the local farmers, in the winter a crazy amount of delicious greens…) and when I started to think up cantaloupe uses I fell short at fruit salad. Two cantaloupes of fruit salad later and it was time to try something new.

A while back Kevin and I were trying out a new restaurant when the chef offered a cantaloupe and basil ‘palette cleanser’ between two courses. It was delicious. There’s something about the balance of sweet, juicy cantaloupe and tart (almost bitter) leafy basil that tastes so fresh and yummy.

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend | PepperDesignBlog.com

And so the cantaloupe + basil summer blend was born.

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend | PepperDesignBlog.com

One whole sweet cantaloupe serves as the base…

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend | PepperDesignBlog.com

And a scoop of applesauce plus juice helps to balance out the bitterness of the basil.

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend | PepperDesignBlog.com

One cantaloupe will make 4-5 blenders worth of juice.

You don’t have to use applesauce, any sweeter fruit would be delicious (peaches, apples, kiwi) and to add a little sparkly kick to the blend since I was bringing this to a baby shower rather than making for Liv at home, I used an Italian Blood Orange Soda from Trader Joes that we had on hand instead of regular juice. You could make it an alcoholic cocktail as well – yum.

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend | PepperDesignBlog.com

To keep the leafy basil from being too chunky, I poured out the majority of the cantaloupe juice mixture until I had about a cup, and then I blended this smaller portion with a handful of leaves.

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend | PepperDesignBlog.com

I stirred that into the cantaloupe juice for the final sweet summer blend!

Cantaloupe + Basil Summer Blend | PepperDesignBlog.com

The blender – and I’m not talking the traditional smoothie here – is a great solution to any excess melon (or fruit) this summer. Yum.

PS More good eats recipes found right here.

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