A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Dog Days of Summer

I never quite understood the meaning of the term ‘dog days of summer’ until I moved from the crisper, redwood-climate of Northern California (think Big Sur) to the arid, high desert, palm tree-loving weather of Southern California. And now I get it. This summer there were many days when it was 90 degrees outside, doors to the house wide open with a hope and a prayer that a decent breeze would find its way in. This is why cotton dresses were made. I can feel the sweat between my shoulder blades just thinking about it.

But we are lucky in Southern California, the warm weather also means outdoors! Summer means swimming in nana and papa’s pool, BBQing in the evening and soaking up the sweet warm rays of the day over a cool glass of white wine. It means camping and night hikes, eating stone fruit by the basket full and doing half as much laundry since both girls are sporting basically just undies or a diaper all day. It means friends visiting, sailing in the bay, outdoor summer concerts, Shakespeare in the Park, trips to the beach and Liv enjoying loooong vacation-style naps.

Dog Days of Summer | PepperDesignBlog.com

Love that last shot of Taylor dancing in her sleep.

Summer for us this year meant new life and all of the sweet, quiet moments that came with her. It also meant a family vacation to the Atlantic ocean, weddings, homemade Sunday brunches, swimming in fountains, cloud watching and first giggles.

Dog Days of Summer | PepperDesignBlog.com

And now I can’t believe that summer is near over – it feels like it’s leaving as quickly as it arrived. The hot weather that was knocking on our doorstep is already cooling down with impending fall, and we’re beginning to need sweaters at night. Oh sweet summer you were a fun one! But fall? We are already brainstorming Halloween costumes and plans for Thanksgiving. I think we’re ready (and excited) for you, too.

Images from my Instagram feed.

PS Congrats, Kelly F. on winning the Freshly Picked giveaway! Email in your inbox.

Kitchen Pantry: Installation Update – Wood Pallets, Corks and More

Update on the pantry! Such a small, small room to be taking so long to finish… but I’m really excited that it’s starting to functionally come together. Kevin had talked me into a clear glass door for the pantry because he thought that it would play nicely with the many other clear glass doors in our kitchen space (for the record I was going for something a little more frosted), the downfall though is that you can now see every box, bin and can inside when standing in the kitchen. I saw that one coming. Now that the boxes and bins and cans are starting to pile up in there, that little agreement I’m starting to regret ;-). But on the pro side, it will force us to be clean and organized even in our closets – and I like the thought of that. I’ll have the finished pantry to share with you in a few days, we are very close.

Let’s take two steps backwards and I’ll update you from where we’ve left off:

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

We ended up choosing a very nontraditional material to line our pantry with, actually it’s reminding me more and more of a cellar rather than a kitchen pantry now. Kevin wanted to find a way to create a more rustic, reclaimed wood look for the space (hence his original inspiration board) and thought that wood pallets might be a neat way to achieve that. One day while we were out running errands we came across a tile shop that had a huge stack of pallets out front with a ‘free’ sign, mission accomplished!

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

The wood is rough, knotted, uneven, mismatched… but I think that’s the charm of this new cellar.

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Installing it took quite a bit of time! Remember how we started the process of brainstorming this space way back here? Many Saturday mornings later…

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Including a trip out from our electrician to get this room hooked up in the form of a hanging light and electrical box…

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

And the pantry is ready to be properly filled and organized.

A couple of other fun details to point out – see the flooring in there? Corks!

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Friends helped us to collect a huge bag of corks over the past year, enough (and then some) to create a soft, squishy pattern in what really feels like the mini cellar now.

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

As far as building out this little floor, a nail gun, silicon and a right angle were really the only tools necessary.

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

To complete, Kevin poured a clear resin over the corks to fill in many of the gaps. But I can already tell that that will be the issue, if we have one, with this DIY flooring.

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

The beverage cooler is a fun addition and was a big splurge for us. Kevin brews his own craft beer and enjoys having some of his favorites bottled and on hand, we also think it will be a neat resale value addition if we ever decide to sell.

Another pantry detail? Rope lights! The overhead industrial-style lighting that Kevin found helps to light up the space, but the rope lights provide direct strip lighting to each shelf to easily see what cans and jars are hiding at the very back of those deep wood shelves, especially at night.

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Speaking of that industrial light, you can find it in stores here.

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

So back to that glass door… now it’s time to fill this pantry back up and to make her look oh so pretty! As pretty as canned food and cereal boxes can be, that is. But then that’s where my inspiration board fits in – PS my version of the candy red wire baskets are finished :-). I suppose we’re tag teaming this one? Kev to build, Morgan to buy pretty fabric bins and paint wire baskets.

Wood Pallet Pantry | PepperDesignBlog.com

Now it’s my turn.

 PS more to check out on the den-to-kitchen and pantry remodel.

Deal to Share: Crepe Paper Flowers

A weekly splurge that’s worth its weight in gold to me is flowers. There’s nothing that brightens the dining room or kitchen more than a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Walking into the house and seeing that little bouquet from the grocery store or farmer’s market always, always makes my day.

But it’s an expense pick-me-up. And some times those beautiful tulips or sunflowers from the supermarket die in two days (arghhhh that always makes me sad. On the other hand, sometimes they last ten!).

I stopped in at West Elm the other day during one of my kid-free moments and noticed that their beautiful buckets of paper flowers were now in the clearance section – and not just on clearance, but marked down to $.47 each. I think these guys were going for $2.99 a piece! And now an entire bouquet for about $5.

West Elm Paper Flowers | PepperDesignBlog.com

I bought maybe two bouquet’s worth. I can’t wait to use them for entertaining and parties outside, too.

The crepe flowers look so welcoming on our dining room table and I love that I can move them around the house (maybe a couple in a little bud vase for the bathroom? or in the guestroom when we have visitors?).

West Elm Paper Flowers | PepperDesignBlog.com

It would be fun to make crepe paper flowers of my own, but how pretty and detailed are these guys? And the supplies would likely be more expensive than the price that these are going for right now.

West Elm Paper Flowers | PepperDesignBlog.com

West Elm Paper Flowers | PepperDesignBlog.com

Bought some for our master bedroom too (here’s a teeny tiny sneak peek to the new gallery wall…).

West Elm Paper Flowers | PepperDesignBlog.com

Scoop them up before they’re gone! Now fresh flowers will be a sweet luxury, but not necessary to provide that bright pop of color around our house.

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