A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

She Paints Like Her Momma

Sometimes there are brief little moments that stop me mid day and cause me to reflect, catch my breath or just smile. It’s that feeling that you get when your cheeks feel a bit warm and your heart starts to beam with pride at something that someone else does or says that you think (or you hope) relates to you.

The other day while Liv was painting outdoors – brush in one hand, smudge of paint on cheek – I happened on one of those moments. I was finishing up my work day inside when Liv yelled back to the kitchen that I must come and see her masterpiece. I brought my camera for kicks, and as soon as I stepped out those doors and on to the deck to see her little hands at work I felt that pinch of joy.

Liv Painting | PepperDesignBlog.com

It’s probably a preschooler thing across the board, but when Liv paints I am so happy. Having a creative knack is a serious pro in my book, one that I think that she gets primarily from her daddy’s side of the family.

Liv Painting | PepperDesignBlog.com

Liv Painting | PepperDesignBlog.com

But it wasn’t so much that she thinks painting is really cool at the ripe old age of two that made me so happy in that moment, it was actually that I recognized – almost to a t – the little piece of art that she was creating.

I’ve come to two conclusions. The first is that Liv loves our art time together and is maybe even inspired into copying her momma (cue the warm cheeks feeling). The second is that I paint like a two-year-old.

Painting Time! | PepperDesignBlog.com

Liv Painting | PepperDesignBlog.com

I’m cool with either. And maybe it’s just mom goggles that have me all sentimental over a painting that Liv quickly set aside, ready and waiting for a new blank canvas, but this Liv drawing is going up on the wall asap.

PS Now this is what I call going green on the creative level – upcycled washing machine drum?

DIY Foam Bath Toys

We work hard to make bath time exciting around here. Liv loooooves bath time! And I truly appreciate that half hour (no joke) of time after work to make dinner, finish up emails or pick up around the house. No worries, her bath is in the middle of the house and we talk to each other throughout her spa time so I know she’s okay. Plus she’s almost three, the girl can practically swim across Nana & Papa’s swimming pool on her own. My little fish.

But new ways to make bath time fun? DIY bath toys! These squishy foam shapes are perfect for play time in wet, sudsy environments.

DIY Foam Bath Toys, Shapes & Letters | PepperDesignBlog.com

When Taylor is old enough to bathe with her big sis I’ll have to pull out some of the smaller pieces, but prior to then Liv has requested various scenes, and for about $.50 a foam sheet we’re ‘creating’ them together. Then she plays away rebuilding them in the bath.

Current favorite scene? House and flowers. She frequently makes the flowers clouds and the windows building blocks in her world bathtub of imagination. When wet the foam sticks to the edge of the bathtub like so:

DIY Foam Bath Toys, Shapes & Letters | PepperDesignBlog.com

The process for cutting these shapes out is as easy or detailed as you make it. Foam sheets can be found at craft stores like Michaels or on Amazon very inexpensively – one sheet will make an entire building block set or all of the letters in a first and last name (I think the sheets are generally about 12×18″ in size).

DIY Foam Bath Toys, Shapes & Letters | PepperDesignBlog.com

To make detailed shapes, try tracing various objects with a pencil on the back of the foam (just don’t press hard) or keep it free hand, they are for kids after all!

DIY Foam Bath Toys, Shapes & Letters | PepperDesignBlog.com

Super fun at the possibilities are endless. :-)

Happy Birthday, Kevin!

Today is a very special day! Today is this handsome man’s birthday.


To this very special person in my life… I love you so much. You are the salt to my vinegar, the amaretto to my coffee, the sun to my moon, the umbrella to my rainy day, the navy to my pink, the marshmallow to my graham cracker, the caramel to my chocolate, the whip cream on my java chip frappacino. What I mean to say is that you make me better, without you the world would just not be the same. I love you.

We celebrated all day yesterday with the one thing that will steal Kevin’s heart most – delicious, from-the-heart food!

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com

My mom made an amazing brunch for a morning with the family…

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com-22-13_500

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com

In the early evening I prepped a meal for sixteen complete with locavore farmer’s market goodies and fresh fish brought and caught by some of the best fishermen we know, our friends.

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com-22-13_800

And then a surprise Murder Mystery Dinner Party!

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com-22-13_800

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com

After much sleuthing and investigating we figured out whodunit.

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com-22-13c_1000

Such a fun evening!

Kev's Birthday | PepperDesignBlog.com

If you haven’t been to murder mystery party (this was a first time for all of us), I highly recommend it! It was so much fun to host. I embellished with mandatory mugshots and murder weapons to keep everyone in the spirit. And when everyone arrives to your home in their assigned costumes and in character, you know you’re in for a good night!

One final toast to the man I love most: Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being a terrific father and a loving husband. Happy Birthday!

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