A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

Up, Up & Away! A Hot Air Balloon Shower

This past weekend family and friends and I threw a baby shower for our friend, Trish. The theme was ‘Up, up & away! A little boy is on the way!’, and we covered everything in little hot air balloons.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

The dessert table was a lot of fun to put together, I love how the cut out cookies came out. Lining the different platters helped to make everything ‘pop’.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

The paper hot air balloons were inspired by this post and assembled by my co-host, Stephanie. How great are the bright, playful colors on the table!

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

I made the cake – heavily inspired by this one – the day before (more to come on those fondant balloon decorations) and chose a pumpkin recipe for the season. You must, MUST try this recipe by the Novice Baker, this was one of the best cakes I’ve ever had. And the icing? A maple cinnamon that’s to die for.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Really wishing right about now as I look at these pictures that I had ended up piping the cake… ah well.

Stephanie made those adorable cloud and hot air balloon cookies, too.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

The shower was hosted in my parent’s backyard here in San Diego. Do you remember how I had mentioned that they were moving down here from Santa Cruz (in Northern California)? Well they bought the most perfect home for entertaining.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

We made simple table decorations out of craft paper cut into the shape of a hot air balloon (a cricut made it easier but isn’t necessary) glued to sticks (aka bamboo skewers) and set into plaster of paris. Handfuls of goldfish helped to cover the plaster. I found the chevron fabric for the runners (which I will definitely use again!) here.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

We served a lunch of chicken salad croissant sandwiches, fruit salad and a big green salad. Lemonade and champagne kept everybody cool.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

We borrowed twenty bright blue paper parasols and they were perfect for the sunny day! They also looked so pretty covering everybody up.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Games included a cute madlibs game, a ‘price is right’ shower game (guessing gift registry pricing) and the hilarious candy diaper game. Have you ever played this one?

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

My mom melted different chocolates into eight infant diapers and guests had to guess which was which by observing, smelling and even tasting ;) the contents. Just gagged a little.

Then it was time to open gifts.

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

Sees pops turned upside down became the hot air balloon baskets on these adorable favors made by another friend:

Up, Up & Away Baby Shower | PepperDesignBlog.com

It was a beautiful Sunday and we had a great time celebrating this new little one. More hot air balloon inspiration for this shower on this board. and this one, too – just in case you’re ever looking. Have a great weekend!

PS more baby shower ideas sorted here.

Blog Redesign + Searching the Site

One of my favorite features of the new redesign is how easy it is to search this blog now. If you click on any category or tag (like: Handmade Gifts) you reach a page of tiled post images and titles. No scrolling through post after post after post to find what you’re looking for!

PDB Redesign | Searching the Blog | PepperDesignBlog.com

I’ve also created buttons for my favorite topics and categories there in the righthand sidebar.

Categories are up first, these are the broader post topics that this blog tends to cover. They include decorating, entertaining, crafty projects, holidays and so on.

PDB Redesign | Searching the Blog | PepperDesignBlog.com

And favorite topics are next, these are groups of posts that are a little more specific to a favorite discussion point. These buttons include posts on motherhood, photography, tutorials, favorite finds, different inspiration boards and more.

PDB Redesign | Searching the Blog | PepperDesignBlog.com

Then of course there’s the house. Click a specific room on the House Tour page (right there in that first graphic) and you’ll be taken to the before, after or in-progress photo, plus a link to search all projects (in that same convenient tiled format).

PDB Redesign | Searching the Blog | PepperDesignBlog.com

PDB Redesign | Searching the Blog | PepperDesignBlog.com

I’m all about easy! If you have any other ideas on searching around this site (or favorites from other sites), let me know :).

Memory Boxes & Books

I used to love scrapbooking. It’s probably been about five years since I’ve cropped and matted a photo, but I still miss the nostalgic activity of saving mini mementos. These days I use digital photo books to capture memories (and still I’m years behind…) but I’ve been collecting nick knacks in memory boxes. I have one for every 3-4 years or so, but I wanted to share the girls’ baby boxes with you today.

Memory Boxes | PepperDesignBlog.com

I design and purchase the boxes through Paper Coterie. They are so great and so sturdy! (PS this is not a paid product review.) I was looking for just this solution a few years back when Paper Coterie was offering a promotion for a free memory box with paid shipping (found it through a friend through this site but Paper Coterie is offering discounts regularly), and then began using them to print family boxes for collecting tokens from trips or happy moments. I like that they fit on a bookshelf and that they’re not enormous, it will be an awesome collection to pass down one day (and much more manageable that a giant trunk in the attic or closets full of saved memories).

Now back to baby boxes…

Memory Boxes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Liv’s is filling up fast! I’m keeping early mementos like hospital bracelets, a newspaper snippet of the day she was born, adorable knitted caps and maternity pictures, but am also adding bits and pieces as she grows up, like our yearly Christmas card and a favorite preschool drawing.

Taylor’s is brand new.

Memory Boxes | PepperDesignBlog.com

Memory Boxes | PepperDesignBlog.com

I purchased the ‘Wide Stripes’ memory box for Taylor:

Memory Boxes | PepperDesignBlog.com

And the ‘Love Life’ design for Liv:

Memory Boxes | PepperDesignBlog.com

That same friend (thanks Cass) gave me a blank notebook with baby pictures of Liv to capture – in writing – what I might normally scrapbook. These are also by Paper Coterie.

Memory Boxes | PepperDesignBlog.com

I pull the book off of the shelf once a month or so and jot down notes on her growth (when she rolled over for the first time, her first words, her first swim lesson), and lately the funny things she says and does ;). I’m leaving that left side blank to add photos, dance recital tickets, you name it later on.

Loved it so much that I bought one for Taylor, too.

Memory Books | PepperDesignBlog.com

That’s my scrapbooking solution for now! Much easier to manage and equally as special as a traditional baby book. These days everything is flying by so fast, it’s nice to stop and capture the little things… and this, for me, is the easiest way to do it. Now when I do get those digital photo books finally finished I’ll share them here, too ;). Oh, sweet time! We need more of you.

PS more motherhood moments shared here.

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