A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family
A Little of This & That… Renovating, Decorating, DIY Projects & Family

A Year in Review: Favorite House Projects From 2013

How was your first weekend of 2014? We are home now after celebrating a busy wedding and New Year’s week in Arizona (where Kevin’s family is from). The wedding was set in a beautiful rustic barn in the middle of the dessert. The inside was lit from head to toe in twinkle lights, the guests were encouraged to wear cowboy boots, the weather was perfect. Can’t wait to share more photos, but here are two quick instagram snap shots.


I hope you’re enjoying these ‘year in review’ posts as much as I am! It’s nostalgic to take a glance back at 2013 (and hopefully helpful to find new projects/recipes/posts/events that you haven’t seen before). Friday I shared my favorite crafty projects from 2013 and before that a roundup of favorite family moments and recipes.

Today’s roundup of house-related projects has a bit of crossover with Friday’s craft/diy post, but most of the projects we end up working are for a certain room, house fix-it need or the girls, so I suppose it makes sense.

Let’s go room by room to make it easy to mentally organize the 2013 updates…

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

In our kitchen, I built a breakfast spot out of two cabinets, Ikea legs, foam + favorite yellow fabric (that I tufted), a Craigslist table, consignment store chair and giant diy chalkboard frame (a temporary solution that’s covering up a need-to-be-replaced window). We finally added molding to the end cap on our kitchen island and added a wood pallet pantry for storage on the other side of the room.

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

In the far corner, a new tiled corkboard space dedicated to family happenings (like wedding invites or birth announcements) and Liv’s artwork.

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

One of my favorite new additions to the kitchen might be Liv’s play kitchen, a gift that my dad and I made for her 2nd birthday back in January of ’13.

Favorite House Projects 2013 | PepperDesignBlog.com

In the living room, we’ve updated the rug, added a few new throw pillows, a shiny gold side table, and new watercolor heart art to the bookcase.

New Rug for the Living Room | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

Kevin and I built a wooden sunburst mirror for the mantel and a faux wood stack facade for our currently out of commission fireplace.

Favorite House Projects 2013 | PepperDesignBlog.com

It went viral a couple of months after posting and landed on Apartment Therapy, Curbly, even in This Old House magazine.

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

In the dining room, a new giant piece of pink art to help lighten the space!

New Dining Room Artwork : PepperDesignBlog.com

And in my office, a new floating shelf set to help me stay organized as well as a reupholstered velvet office chair (I chose a navy blue) and a few new decorative/storage additions.

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

The nursery/girls’ room has by far received the BIGGEST makeover in 2013. In preparation for baby girl #2, we added a new built in bookshelf/window seat for extra storage, added new gold sconces to said bookshelves, created an acrylic showcase for Liv’s growing library and learned to wallpaper (for the opposite wall) in a design that I made myself over at Spoonflower.

New Nursery Bookshelf Lighting | Swing Arm Wall Sconce | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite House Projects | Year in Review, 2013 | Girls' Room Updates | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

I added a few pieces of diy art, including a framed card from Liv’s 1st birthday and an alphabet print that matches the colors in her room. You can download it here. More to come on this room!

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

Our bedroom just began its update towards the end of 2013 with the start of a gallery wall.

Wall Gallery In Progress | PepperDesignBlog.com

The outside of our house made big progress towards the end of 2012 with a new wraparound deck, but in 2013 we added kid-friendly features and an awesome 10 person dining table to eat under the stars.

Favorite House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

We also added outdoor landscape lighting to the front, side and back of our house.

Uplighting Project - Complete! : PepperDesignBlog.com

And new windows! It was great to have all of our windows refurbished (and saved us a bundle in purchasing new ones).

Year in Review: 2013 House Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

I summed up my favorite quick tips for making an older home feel newer (part 1 and part 2) and also shared the ultimate painting cheat sheet that I created in collaboration with the pros Olympic paints.

Favorite House Projects | Year in Review, 2013 | PepperDesignBlog.com

Whew. Am I missing anything? 2013 you were a busier year than I remember. Here’s a link to our crafty/diy projects from last year and one with favorite family moments and recipes.

Hope you’re having a beautiful start to your week! Now back to unpacking and repacking for a work trip. Oh busy, busy life – I wouldn’t have you any other way.

A Year in Review: Favorite Crafty Projects From 2013

My brother-in-law is getting married today! To a great girl that we’re all thrilled to have join our family. Many festivities going on over here.

For today’s post, I’m continuing with the theme of ‘favorites’ and reflecting on a year in review by sharing a few of my very favorite craft projects from 2013 (yesterday was all about food and favorite recipes). As I was preparing to write this post though, I must admit that I was getting a little nervous (and maybe even a little disappointed…) in what I’d be putting together. See, with so many baby-school-job-family related activities this last year, it has felt like we haven’t accomplished that much in terms of big home projects for our little 1930’s casita, or even in the little diy department (the ‘weekend’ fun stuff).

But ah what a little reflection will do to your perspective! After looking back on the crafty projects we didmanage to squeeze in (and I mean more of the non-house related stuff at the moment), I’m feeling much better about the time and energy we dedicated to the creative in 2013. Funny how a little reflection will do that.

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

foam bath toys | hexagon outdoor succulent planter | chalk mugs

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

ombre placemats | infused kahlua | infused vanilla bean extract
rosemary bath pouches | the ultimate healing bath salts

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

scalloped ombre paper lantern | easy wrapping
Liv’s monster Valentine’s Day cardsbags kisses cards
favor pouches | felt bows & bow ties

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

semi-diy botanical chart art | Liv’s painting for Mom’s Day :-)

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

Favorite Projects | PepperDesignBlog.com

gold mugs, baked art mugs | 5 gold Easter egg tutorials

Website Redesign | PepperDesignBlog.com

I also redesigned the blog this year, which was a BIG project!

Call me cheesy, but this may have been the best project of the year.


Up next, a roundup of favorite home projects from this past year. Happy 2014, ya’ll.

A Year in Review: Favorite Recipes From 2013

Happy New Year!! Wow, 2014 here we are.

I’m a little in shock that yet another year has come and gone (I know, I know…), I look back at family photos and big moments from this past year and I can’t believe how quickly they have all gone by. It’s just all happening too. fast.

Most blessed moment of 2013 goes to our family expansion (most cuddliest moment and most ready to pop, too). Most thrilling perhaps to earlier in the year during the big reveal (and favorite video). Most champagne-worthy goes to Kevin’s graduation day in June after six years of studying hard (architecture degree now in tow), busiest to Kev delving into full-time entrepreneurship in not-architecture (some nail biting has ensued), most relaxing to our family vacation in Florida, most honest to my guest post on being a working mom. Favorite style boards for the year go to this post and this one. Most can’t-believe-this-is-happening to Liv’s first day of preschool. Most flower-child moment is probably when we attended Stagecoach (and I was uber pregnant). Best reoccurring moment goes to our semi-regular theater date nights.

And in between! Plenty of house remodel work, crafty projects, recipes to enjoy… so I thought I would take a few posts to share my very favorites in a sort of year in review.

Up first? Let’s talk food.

Favorite Recipes | PepperDesignBlog.com

from-scratch tomato soup | cantaloup & basil summer blend
chocolate dipped coffee spoons | white chocolate pretzel sticks
easy apricot tart | 4 ingredient melt-in-your-mouth macaroons
maple oat bars | yellow tomato tart | fruit smoothie popsicles

In all truth, Kev is the master chef around here. I’m so lucky to have found a guy who really knows his way around the kitchen and I’m always secretly hoping that he’ll take care of dinner each night (he’s soooo good! Even with a what seems to be empty fridge). But all of that said, I really love to cook. To bake and to cook. I even made an artsy video about my summer love of all things tarts.

So today I leave you with my favorite recipes from 2013 (well, not all are recipes. Some are just good eats.) See you back here soon with a round up of craft and home projects from our very busy 2013. Happy New Year!

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